General => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Megiddo on October 29, 2006, 02:03:21 PM
So... it's been a while since I've actually played GMod instead of just coding in it, but my friend managed to talk me into helping him make a pose.
We call this the "Vending Machine of Judgement". When you went to get a drink, it would ignite you. :D
(http://img131.imageshack.us/img131/9285/gmconstruct0004wi8.th.jpg) (http://img131.imageshack.us/my.php?image=gmconstruct0004wi8.jpg)
If this was Facepunch...
Posing is horrible, has no concept, not funny, doesnt make sense to us, no artistic interest, Have a nice day.
but since its ulysses...
YAY! ;)
Oooooo, shiny!
lol, yup, that was fun to make. Of course, its even funner to watch people go up to get a drink and BURN!! MUHAHAHAHAHahaha.... *ahem*
Heh, I used to love messing around with spawnflags 256 & vending machines.
This water burns my all of me. ???
Zyklus never made much sense to me when I met him...
Things don't change. :P
Zyklus never made much sense to me when I met him...
Things don't change. :P
That's because I'm half-programmer-half-techsupport-half-computer-half-something.
In Soviet Russia, change does things to you!!
That's because I'm half-programmer-half-techsupport-half-computer-half-something.
In Soviet Russia, change does things to you!!
Like make you dead?
In Soviet Russia, change does things to you!!
Pretty sure it's that way here too.
Pretty sure it's that way here too.
How can it be the same here? Unless, ofcourse, it's Soviet Russia.