General => Off-Topic => Topic started by: terreboo on November 03, 2006, 02:33:40 AM
First of all I wanted to no how to unistall ECS v5.2 off of my gmod, K second I want to no how to install ECS ease of use mod on my server because i have installed it in the mods like it says to and it doesnt work, i think it has something to do with i cant open the script for it on the server, i have it installed in my gmod and my dedicated server so when im pressing open script i think it is only doing it on my gmod, i need to be able to do it on the server aswell i think. Could someone jsut tell me how to install the ECS EUM so i can get the easse of use mod to work on my server.
thanks. :D
Well, I've personally never used them before, so I can't help you. I've never heard of EUM though, could you offer me a link by chance? I like to stay current with the mods out there. ;)
I added ECS to the compatibility list located here (http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/topic,477.0.html). I haven't tested EUM yet, but I imagine it shouldn't require any modification.
thanks megiddo, adding the ECS to the ulib thing worked =).