
General => Off-Topic => Topic started by: strategos on October 09, 2011, 09:40:22 PM

Title: Facepunch has the worst moderators in the world
Post by: strategos on October 09, 2011, 09:40:22 PM
Feel free to post about terrible experiences with facepunch moderators here.

I was just banned for commenting on an old? (few months) forum for posting this: "Why was this user permabanned? He uploaded a new non-sharechash link and it works perfectly!"

Facepunch admins have been known to give out the shittiest ban reasons on the internet.

Reason such as:

1: Not capitalizing first letter of sentence
2: For reasons including an inside joke or a joke in general (Fptje Falco was recently banned for this)
3: Internet Memes they don't like
4: Asking why a user was banned (they will look at all your posts and find a reason to ban you if they don't immediately)
5: Them simply not reaching their desired ban quota for the day

I'm really surprised facepunch has any community left (seeing as when you look at the forums at least half the users are banned)
Why Garry continues to run Garrysmod like Joesph Stalin did Russia is beyond me. It seems as though Garrysmod needs a new official forum site, as I can't take facepunch any longer. Sure some posts are funny and it is rarely useful, but the moderators destroy any hope of it redeeming itself.

It pisses me off that the official site for Gmod is ran by such trolls.
Title: Re: Facepunch has the worst moderators in the world
Post by: MrPresident on October 10, 2011, 02:21:26 AM
After 4chan... facepunch is one of the next largest internet communities on the internet. (this is not an exaggeration)

It's unfortunate but when you have that kind of following you can do pretty anything you please...
Title: Re: Facepunch has the worst moderators in the world
Post by: Megiddo on October 10, 2011, 09:32:03 AM
Haha, well, I've actually had some experiences in this arena too. Don't want to go into details, but we'll leave it at the fact that I got banned twice for very stupid reasons. :)
Title: Re: Facepunch has the worst moderators in the world
Post by: MrPresident on October 10, 2011, 10:39:47 AM
Maybe the presence of strict jerk moderators is the sign of a thriving community!

This gives me an idea... Let's start banning people for stupid reasons!

edit: Can't ban.. but I can delete accounts! EVEN BETTER! mwahahahahahaha!!!!

*Also.. I'm clearly joking... in case anyone mistook this post for seriousness...*
Title: Re: Facepunch has the worst moderators in the world
Post by: krooks on October 10, 2011, 11:38:19 AM
Then there are the posts by people who clearly *should* be banned, but aren't.
Title: Re: Facepunch has the worst moderators in the world
Post by: strategos on October 10, 2011, 03:27:04 PM
I'm beginning to wonder if this is a fulltime job for the mods. It seems as though they never go offline and have their clicking-finger poised, ready to click the ban button on moments notice. You post something they don't like and you're banned within a minute.
Title: Re: Facepunch has the worst moderators in the world
Post by: JamminR on October 10, 2011, 03:59:23 PM
edit: Can't ban.. but I can delete accounts! EVEN BETTER! mwahahahahahaha!!!!
No, really, I find SMF interesting for that security right.

Then there are the posts by people who clearly *should* be banned, but aren't.
Right? Like MrP's post, right?
Oh, wait, you mean on FP. Nvm.

For all intents and purposes, most 'decent' devs left FP a while ago.
Not saying all who are still there aren't capable, just many excellent ones no longer are.
I myself (not considering myself excellent) don't go there much anymore.
Title: Re: Facepunch has the worst moderators in the world
Post by: krooks on October 11, 2011, 03:16:23 PM
Right? Like MrP's post, right?
Hold up, I hope he doesn't go by the same name on FP, I hear they keep a close eye on other forums for threads like this! :P
Title: Re: Facepunch has the worst moderators in the world
Post by: Megiddo on October 13, 2011, 08:07:06 AM
I hear they keep a close eye on other forums for threads like this! :P

They do.
Title: Re: Facepunch has the worst moderators in the world
Post by: strategos on October 13, 2011, 10:51:51 AM
They do.

Quickly, hide before they perma-ban all your alts!


Title: Re: Facepunch has the worst moderators in the world
Post by: krooks on November 07, 2011, 02:26:54 PM
I just got my first ban, and I'm pretty proud of the reason:
"This section is for debate, not Big Lebowski references"
hahahaha  8)

Now that I've been banned, it's given me new perspective on the whole issue, and I see it as counter productive.
Before, I was proud of not ever being banned. Now that I have a mark on my record, I sort of don't care anymore, and want to collect funny ban reasons, just because they facilitate it.
I'm off to a good start!
Title: Re: Facepunch has the worst moderators in the world
Post by: JamminR on November 07, 2011, 03:18:59 PM
and want to collect

And there lies a contibuting issue behind the madness known as FacePunch forums.
Title: Re: Facepunch has the worst moderators in the world
Post by: krooks on November 11, 2011, 02:34:23 PM
Hahaha, can't beat em, join em!
I'm actually getting over it, that is without a doubt the largest non-community community I've ever seen.

I like our Ulysses.  :P
Title: Re: Facepunch has the worst moderators in the world
Post by: strategos on November 19, 2011, 10:37:22 AM
Ulysses forums needs emoti-icons so I can randomly rate people as dumb XD
Title: Re: Facepunch has the worst moderators in the world
Post by: krooks on November 19, 2011, 05:38:29 PM
The one thing I like about FP, is how streamlined the forums are, they have icons depicting what section your in, jQuery quick replies, the little rating things, the list goes on! It's a very nicely designed forum, with a lot of fun bells and whistles. It's honestly the best I've seen int hat regard. Wish there was another one of the same caliber with a community that wasn't terrible.
Title: Re: Facepunch has the worst moderators in the world
Post by: merttoski on March 18, 2012, 07:16:52 AM
? agree you whe n ? open therad ? always get bann