General => Off-Topic => Topic started by: strategos on October 13, 2011, 08:22:24 PM
Thank you Garry for your wonderfully tested updates. I have gmod installed on two computers. When I try to start them, I get missing client.dll. Really, What is with gmod and a history of update fails.
This wasn't an update from Garry. He auto-updates to the most recent engine version and that usually breaks gmod.
That's just it Aaron.
He, being Garry, updates with little regard for what it will do to Gmod. Whether it be newest engine, or some feature he decided to add or change.
I understand to be cutting edge he needs to update.
I've never liked how little it seems he cares about or notifies addon devs what might break.
His attitude is usually ', i'm doing it, users be damned'
His, and his moderators, attitude is what has been driving away decent addon devs in droves the past few years.
I had been thinking lately that we had gone an awfully long time without everything breaking... :P
I had been thinking lately that we had gone an awfully long time without everything breaking... :P
You're right. Nice, wasn't it? :)
I've got to give him credit for still developing on it (more than I could say for some devs) but please privately test the updates before they are released to steam.
I'm sure he does.. but coming from experience some bugs don't make themselves known until you have thousands of people playing. One, or even a handful, of beta testers are likely to miss bugs, that is why patches and updates exist.
not to mention that some bugs only exist in certain situations such as system configurations.
Yeah, but once you find major bugs, I'm talking REALLY major, he neglects them. I've brought up some bugs to him in his own bug threads, my own threads, email, his blog, AND his bug reporting deal... None have be acknowledged or fixed.
These are all OSX bugs that cause the game to crash instantly, and on multi player servers, if some of these are triggered you wont be able to join the server again until it restarts.
It's pretty ridiculous, actually. I play a lot less now even though I own a server, both because I'm busy, and because I'd rather not deal with some of these bugs when I have some downtime to 'relax'.
Oh and speak of terrible, untested updates....
(insert much rage here)