Ulysses Stuff => General Chat & Help and Support => Topic started by: Megiddo on December 09, 2011, 01:44:03 PM
Sort of a continuation of this thread (http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/topic,5453.0.html), I'll keep this first post updated with the latest news about ULX and ULib running on the gmod beta.
First off: We do not support ULX and ULib running on the gmod beta at this time. There are too many bugs and things are changing too quickly.
Now that's out of the way, here's the current status as of Jan 20:
As far as I can tell, most everything in ULX and ULib is working after some changes to our network functions (Dropped our custom datastream implementation and now using Garry's new net library).
XGUI issues -- Stickly Man is working on this.
ULX help output is a bit mangled, will look into this more when I get a chance.
Need to make some changes to ULib's hook library to match Garry's changes. Nothing is breaking because of this though!
Voting isn't working for some reason
The MOTD is broken (by Garry)
Our code is available at: https://github.com/Nayruden/Ulysses
SVN for ULX: REDACTED -- read news post
SVN for ULib:
First off: We do not support ULX and ULib running on the gmod beta at this time. There are too many bugs and things are changing too quickly.
If enough people want access to our test code for the gmod beta, I'll get it to you somehow. Just let me know if you're interested (you must already have the gmod beta).
Simply put - don't ask for it unless you're willing to make extremely concise detailed error or progress reports.
This is what Beta is intended for, both for Garry, and us.
Don't ask for it if you don't have Gmod beta keys.
Updated status of XGUI. Unfortunately I can't see all of the Derma errors are in there until I fix the first ones they complain about, so I really can't say how much work it will take to fix :P
ugh I knew I should have got a key when he had an open call last week! I would have been more than willing to help you guys out. Now under his avatar it says "you cant have one don't contact me" :P
If anyone sees that he's giving out more, let me know.
He doesn't have anymore. I asked him a while ago and he told me to wait for the next update. He probably gets more when he updates or something.
I would love, to help ULX and Garry out, by beta testing, but I think it is too late at this time. But if any one gets any more info, or knows where to get a key please contact me.
I am looking forward to the new Gmod, and I hope that ULX, will work decently when the new Gmod comes out.
For the new XGUI, sence your getting graphical errors, with the first one, may be a visual update is in order, just to make it have that new shiny feel. ( I know almost nothing about GUI, so don't ask me. ;D )
I wish every one good luck with the codes, and I am sure that every one in the ULX community, and even some people outside of the ULX community are willing to help you make ULX work with Gmod almost as soon as it comes out.
Finally, I heard that Gmod will be running on its own engine, If that is the case, would there be any new built in admin commands?
( Why am I so nervous about posting this. :-[ )
A "Visual Update" would take longer than you think :P Garry did make the derma skins look nicer, and there are more silkicons, so I may be taking advantage of some of those. The main issue is that the DMultiChoice (now DComboBox) no longer has a textbox that's editable, which is a feature I use in a couple places. So once the beta starts working again, I'll have to make a new control for that, then see what other work needs to be done.
Garry is shipping his own slightly modified version of the Source engine, yes. He probably did this for two reasons: One is that it gives him more control over features (eg, the new console is probably a result of this), second is that he doesn't have to go fix gmod when a Source update breaks something. This decision is bad in that he has to manually update his engine to reflect changes in the Source engine. This means that gmod will probably lag severely behind the Source engine in the future... (The answer to your question is no, there will be no new commands as a direct result of this)
Re: visual update. XGUI took many years for us to develop, we're not looking at doing any major overhauls in it. :)
More beta keys .. (if you've played 100+ hours of GMOD in the past 2 weeks). He says he'll be bringing that number down though.
Yeah, already got one. Now to start doing some stuff in it... tomorrow!
I see you've all seen this, the hours have dropped to 50. If anyone has 50 hours, even if you have a key, would you mind trying to pick up another through this process and PMing me? I'd like to beta test not only for Gmod, but for Ulysses. Thanks in advance!
Updated the status. Biggest issue on our plate right now is getting XGUI up and running. There's some strange behavioral bugs due to broken network filtering (Garry's problem), but it's manageable.
Indeed! Many, many things to fix in XGUI. Managed to get it up and running without any immediate lua errors, and it seems like most of the GUI is showing up, even less is entirely functional. Just need to spend more time getting everything happy with the changes Garry made to Derma.
At this moment as I post this Garry is giving away more beta keys. Go to account.garrysmod.com and sign in through steam. At time of post there are 3,553 keys remaining (out of a total of 45,000). So if you haven't already go and pick yours up.
Also, as a founder of the G-Land community, I am willing to set a server aside for ULX + ULib testing by the team here. I would really love to have ulx work on GM13. I am Voodoo (with fancy letters (username whereswoody)) on steam, Megiddo and StickMan have me on their friends list... If you would like to use one of our servers just let me know.
BETA keys are back up and running, when I got mine only 7,345 remained! But I would love to help ULX ULib! Best community AND best mod for Garrys mod !! Anything I can do to help I would be more than willing to!
First off, will there be a new svn link for ulx/ulib, or will the new beta use the same old one?
Also, in general, will most addons need to be updated for the new beta? How about models and maps?
I just got the beta, and tried to set up a server with my old addons, there were so many errors, I quickly was over the whole idea. haha
It also looks/runs terribly on OSX, so no real incentive yet to actually continue running a gmod server.
Garry changed a LOT of things in the beta, so unless the mods have been updated for GM13, almost nothing will work between versions.
As for the ulx/ulib version, we do currently have two separate code bases for regular gmod and beta gmod, but I'm not entirely sure on how Megiddo's going to go about giving public access to them :P We'll let everyone know when we're ready.
Has anything changed in regard to getting the GMod 13 codebase, as the release is only a month away (apparently) I'd like to be able to try and update some small ULX plugins.
Has anything changed in regard to getting the GMod 13 codebase, as the release is only a month away (apparently) I'd like to be able to try and update some small ULX plugins.
I'm wondering the same, I would really like to see ULX working in GM13.. :)
I'm interested in the code also, I've been making modules for it, and I would like them to run in 13 properly. :)
I could help with the XGUI if you would like Stickly Man, I re-coded the Evolve panel to work in 13. I'm pretty well based in the new changes.
Our plans haven't changed -- we're going to support ULib and ULX on the new version of Garrysmod. I've got some things coming up in the next few weeks that will be keeping me busy, but I'll have some extra time to work on this after that.
Our plans haven't changed -- we're going to support ULib and ULX on the new version of Garrysmod. I've got some things coming up in the next few weeks that will be keeping me busy, but I'll have some extra time to work on this after that.
Do you think it will be ready for when GM13 releases or will it be available a few weeks afterwards?
Do you think it will be ready for when GM13 releases or will it be available a few weeks afterwards?
I'm just guessing here, but ULX/ULib by itself should be in a good state on release of GM13. XGUI, however... well, I can't make any promises D: Some parts work, other parts fail spectacularly, and I have extremely little time to work on it. I might be able to get a stripped-down version of the interface working by release, then add stuff as it gets fixed later, just so ULX doesn't go completely GUIless for a while.
Are you able to release any thing to the public as of now? Like an alpha?
Also are you just updating ULX so it works with Gmod13 or are you adding new things as well? If you are I would love to know what some of them are.
Current code base working first.
JamminR's spot on as usual. You can follow our GM13 development at https://github.com/Nayruden/Ulysses/tree/GM13
Running 4, full Garry's Mod 13 servers totalling 138 players is very difficult to manage without ULX. :'( :'(
Any ETA on a stable release yet?
Though I can understand your pain, you're technically running an unstable server base. Gmod 13 is still beta, much like the github code in the link above.
You expect a stable(/production) ULib/ULX release for a server code base that's still in Beta itself and may change even up to point of it's release (http://garrysmod.com/post/31463154122/gmod-13-october-24th)?
I'm sorry, we're good, but not that good.
No developer in their right mind, especially working with the seeming manic insanity of Garry's change history, would release something before than and call it stable.
I've seen Garry make drastic changes to his lua engine within a week of major releases of his own beta code.
Now, Megiddo and Stickly may be able to give more timeline and update on getting things that aren't working working again, but, by no means will we make a 'stable' release until after the Gmod 13 release.
And, since you're reasonable new (at least as a member) around here regarding the life of our releases, our typical answer to your question;
"We release when it's done"
We have ULX and ULib working reasonably well on GM13. At least there aren't any errors during startup and when using basic commands. I didn't have much time to explore further. Again, you can get your hands on our current GM13 work here (https://github.com/Nayruden/Ulysses/tree/GM13).
I'm not sure what the status of XGUI is at this time (Stickly worked on it last night and is currently asleep).
Also, I'm so sick of changes in the API because "it looks better" or because "it needs to be changed". I spent about two hours last night changing frivolous things because of this. If there's anything I've learned from garry, it's that a consistent API is 4x better than a perfect API.
I'm not sure what the status of XGUI is at this time (Stickly worked on it last night and is currently asleep).
Not asleep, in class! :P
The status of XGUI is... wtf. It appears to be loading and opening correctly (minus a few things), but for some reason I can't actually see any of the controls. They're there, and you can click on them and interact with them (I think), but they're just not being drawn.
Once I get that figured out, I think XGUI should be in the state it was last time I talked about it-- some things work fine, other things have some major issues.
I'm getting this error when I use the addon on my server:
And nothing ULX based seems to work, at all. I tried "ulx help" in the console and it returned:
Unknown command: ulx
Great progress with porting this to GM13 so far though. :)
I'm getting this error when I use the addon on my server:
Referencing that error to what's on github above, you're not running the latest code. You may want to double-check that! :P
Is their an svn for this download? I'm not sure how to download the updated files as when I manually download them I can't get ulx to load or start.
pa1n, I sincerely mean no disrespect, in text, no matter how much I try to show concern on my face of trying to not hurt one's feelings;, but, if you are unable to determine how to go about updating from the methods and links within this topics posts, then you probably are not the tech savvy individual the beta code, of GMod Beta, OR Ulysses code, the test releases are meant for.
Way to welcome someone new to the community. I know I signed up a few years ago but changed my mind in running a server until recently. Thanks for the disrespect for a new server owner though. It makes the community here seem very welcoming.
What Jam was trying to say was that there is no easy release for the beta code as it is not meant to be used by the general public. Meg posted the Git repository so that developers could start to look at the changes. All we are saying is that what is available for the beta is not meant for public use right now and if you can't figure out how to make it work with what you are provided then you should just wait until it is released because we are not going to waste time providing support for a beta (mostly closed) project.
Jam is not a disrespectful person, none of the staff here are.
The deal is.. if we spent the time holding everyone's hand that required more than normal help, nothing would ever get done.
Wait for a release, if you can't figure out how to use GitHub.
I fully support the views of both JamminR and Mr. P.
But to directly answer your question, SVN for the GM13 beta is available at https://github.com/Nayruden/Ulysses.git/branches/GM13/ulx (https://github.com/Nayruden/Ulysses.git/branches/GM13/ulx) and https://github.com/Nayruden/Ulysses.git/branches/GM13/ulib (https://github.com/Nayruden/Ulysses.git/branches/GM13/ulib).
will ULX be ready for GM13? almost all of my mods rely on it.
Much of our github code links listed already work with Gmod Beta to my knowledge.
Stickly Man is working when possible to get XGUI working (ULX does NOT require XGUI...XGUI just makes it that much nicer to work with).
As with any Gmod update, we release as soon as we can, but, as soon as we can is only when we feel it's ready for 'release' stage.
Github and SVN are often useable within days after, if not before.
I just updated the GIT-- There was a small change in the last GM13 update that prevented ULX from working. Also, I found the (rather stupid) issue of why XGUI wasn't showing up. So yay! You should at least be able to use XGUI without major explosions! ... I hope.
Slight issue - I can't see any commands in the ULX menu (e.g. if I click on 'fun' it shows up blank), and if I were to try manually changing team colours I get a derp from the xgui causing me to disconnect.
Can we please change the ulx map to use the "changelevel" command to change map?, the one it is currently using (map) kicks all players with the reason "Server shutting down."
I get a derp from the xgui causing me to disconnect.
Just incase you didn't know, setting sv_kickerrornum to 0 will stop you being kicked for "Too many Lua Errors!" (serverside convar).
is there a menu besides xgui? like there was before. Ive not used this mod for 2 years
Slight issue - I can't see any commands in the ULX menu (e.g. if I click on 'fun' it shows up blank), and if I were to try manually changing team colours I get a derp from the xgui causing me to disconnect.
I am aware-- there are many things in XGUI that are not functioning properly, I just need to get more time to fix them.
Can we please change the ulx map to use the "changelevel" command to change map?, the one it is currently using (map) kicks all players with the reason "Server shutting down."
Thanks for the heads up, I just fixed this and pushed the update to git a few minutes ago. Works with changing the gamemode as well!
is there a menu besides xgui? like there was before. Ive not used this mod for 2 years
Nope, not that I'm aware of anyways. Until XGUI is fixed, ULX should be pretty much entirely functional via console commands.
I am aware-- there are many things in XGUI that are not functioning properly, I just need to get more time to fix them.
Thanks for the heads up, I just fixed this and pushed the update to git a few minutes ago. Works with changing the gamemode as well!
Nope, not that I'm aware of anyways. Until XGUI is fixed, ULX should be pretty much entirely functional via console commands.
ok thanks, some of my admins are derps. (hopefully they will learn)
I've updated the first post with latest status. Please let us know if you find any problems that aren't listed there.
would it be possible to add !tp as an alias of !teleport? it would speed up the freeing of stacked people on ttt servers
would it be possible to add !tp as an alias of !teleport? it would speed up the freeing of stacked people on ttt servers
All, let's not make 101 suggestions and feature requests within this topic.
Yes, change level was done, but, still, this isn't the best place to make suggestions.
We have a board area for that.
Gaz, It could be done, but please, let us work on getting the BUGS of conversion worked out first.
Feature requests are at lowest priority.
How would I go about giving custom user groups "privileges" since the xgui menu isn't working too well?
Use "ulx help" or check out the full command list here: http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php?topic=3254.0
You'll want to look under the "User Management" category. In particular, you'll want ulx groupallow <group> <command>, where <command> will be something like "ulx slap", or any access tag like "xgui_managebans".
Use "ulx help" or check out the full command list here: http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php?topic=3254.0
You'll want to look under the "User Management" category. In particular, you'll want ulx groupallow <group> <command>, where <command> will be something like "ulx slap", or any access tag like "xgui_managebans".
Thanks. :)
Btw, not sure if it's just my end but it seems ULX/ULiB seems to be broken in the recent update that came out a few hours ago. When I have ULX/ULiB implemented I crash when I connect, without it works fine. :P
I can confirm that a server causes clients to crash when the server has ulx enabled. I don't know if its the new implementation of server side addons threw the workshop. I will give this a try and setup a key for my server and see if it keeps crashing clients.
Edit:: This is what I mean
Thanks. :)
Btw, not sure if it's just my end but it seems ULX/ULiB seems to be broken in the recent update that came out a few hours ago. When I have ULX/ULiB implemented I crash when I connect, without it works fine. :P
I can confirm this. My game crashes when I try to start a single player game with ULX installed (I can connect to my dedicated server without crashing though). Even though it only happens in SP it's still annoying as that's where I test most of my scripts.
I also have detected some other bugs. Some were happening only in singleplayer before Update 37 of GMod13 but I wasn't able to check if they still occur in Update 37 (because of the problem mentioned before).
XGUI bugs:
I know it's already mentioned in OP but I'm just gonna post some details just to be sure:
- No "Commands" tab in Singleplayer (first tab that you can see in XGUI when it's on a dedicated server).
- After Update 37: It seems that the XGUI doesn't receive any (or almost any) data from the server. This includes for example the command list for each usergroup in the Groups tab, and the team list in that same tab.
- Only command categories show up in the Commands tab / permissions in Groups tab, the commands / permissions don't show up when I click on any of the categories.
Other bugs:
- When I join my dedicated server, this happens:
[ERROR] attempt to call global 'PCallError' (a nil value)
1. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/server/player.lua:381
2. include - [C]:-1
3. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/init.lua:34
4. include - [C]:-1
5. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/autorun/ulib_init.lua:3
[ERROR] bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
1. pairs - [C]:-1
2. Count - lua/includes/extensions/table.lua:162
3. sendDataTable - addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/xgui_server.lua:156
4. ? - addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/xgui_server.lua:102
5. ? - addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/xgui_server.lua:53
6. unknown - lua/includes/modules/concommand.lua:69
7. unknown - (tail call):-1
- Problem with reserved slots. This appears in the server log after joining the server:
ERROR: Hook 'ULXUpdateSlots' Failed: [addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/slots.lua:40] attempt to call global 'MaxPlayers' (a nil value)
Removing Hook 'ULXUpdateSlots'
ERROR: Hook 'ULXCheckLogColorCvar' Failed: [@addons/ulx/lua/ulx/xgui/server/sv_bans.lua:69] bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
Removing Hook 'ULXCheckLogColorCvar'
ERROR: Hook 'ULXReservedSlots' Failed: [addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/slots.lua:54] attempt to call global 'MaxPlayers' (a nil value)
Removing Hook 'ULXReservedSlots'
- 'ulx debuginfo' is broken:
[addons/abs/lua/ulx/modules/sh/util.lua:259] attempt to call field 'FindDir' (a nil value)
1. addons/abs/lua/ulx/modules/sh/util.lua:259 (unknown)
2. (tail call):-1 (unknown)
3. addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/commands.lua:943 (__fn)
4. addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/commands.lua:1296 (?)
5. lua/includes/modules/concommand.lua:69 (unknown)
6. (tail call):-1 (unknown)
[ERROR] attempt to call field 'getSpawnInfo' (a nil value)
1. unknown - addons/abs/lua/ulx/modules/sh/fun.lua:586
2. unknown - (tail call):-1
3. __fn - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/commands.lua:943
4. ? - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/commands.lua:1296
5. Run - lua/includes/modules/concommand.lua:69
6. ? - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/commands.lua:1310
7. unknown - lua/includes/modules/concommand.lua:69
8. unknown - (tail call):-1
- 'ulx unragdoll' was broken before Update 37 (I don't know if it still is since 'ulx ragdoll' is broken as well so I can't check it)
timer.Simple - called wrong!
1. lua/includes/modules/timer.lua:218 (Simple)
2. addons/ulib/lua/ulib/server/player.lua:466 (spawn)
3. addons/abs/lua/ulx/modules/sh/fun.lua:640 (unknown)
4. (tail call):-1 (unknown)
5. addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/commands.lua:943 (__fn)
6. addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/commands.lua:1296 (?)
7. lua/includes/modules/concommand.lua:69 (unknown)
8. (tail call):-1 (unknown)
- Chat commands don't work:
ERROR: Hook 'ULib_saycmd' Failed: [addons/ulib/lua/ulib/server/concommand.lua:57] attempt to call global 'PCallError' (a nil value)
Removing Hook 'ULib_saycmd'
JackYack13: !giveap jack 3
JackYack13 started a votekick against Themself
ServerLog: [ULX] JackYack13 started a votekick against Themself
[JackYack13|2|STEAM_0:1:22709088] Lua Error:
ERROR: Hook 'PlayerOptionDraw' Failed: [@addons/ulx/lua/ulx/cl_lib.lua:91] bad argument #2 to 'max' (number expected, got nil)
[JackYack13|2|STEAM_0:1:22709088] Lua Error:
Removing Hook 'PlayerOptionDraw'
JackYack13 has left the server.
ServerLog: [ULX] JackYack13 has left the server.
ERROR: Hook 'ulxSlotsDisconnect' Failed: [addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/slots.lua:40] attempt to call global 'MaxPlayers' (a nil value)
Removing Hook 'ulxSlotsDisconnect'
Dropped JackYack13 from server ("Too many Lua Errors! Sorry!")
I will post other bugs if I find any.
Some of the errors you posted have been fixed for a while, please make sure you run the latest version -- Garry's breaking stuff as fast as we're fixing it. I'll go through your list and double check them all though.
I pushed a fix for PCallError about 10 seconds ago. :)
Some of the errors you posted have been fixed for a while, please make sure you run the latest version -- Garry's breaking stuff as fast as we're fixing it. I'll go through your list and double check them all though.
I pushed a fix for PCallError about 10 seconds ago. :)
Latest version, still crashing on join though. Am I missing something?
Great job with how quick you guys are though!
Until Meg gets back to answer...I'll do our standard support dance. :D
Use FastDL? Updated gmod server cache?
Playing in SP you say? Screenie of update you show...that for SP or Dedi?
If Dedi...did you update local game paths too?
If SP...wait, where are you getting the errors? You mention both dedi and SP?
Is this happening in a single player game, client hosted game, or dedicated server game?
And, second finally, you shut down all games/servers while updating, ran each once, then shutdown, and reuploaded cache, then restarted where applicable?
And, then finally, you're running this in sandbox, with no other mods that say they've updated for the beta but may not havef or latest beta update?
I'm also getting crashes,
Made sure gmod beta, srcds, ULib and ulx are all updated.
When using no addons, or just using ULib doesn't crash me.
Running the gamemode Trouble in Terrorist Town
FDL is disabled.
When using log 1, all that shows before the crash is...
L 10/13/2012 - 17:40:37: Log file started (file "logs\L1013000.log") (game "z:\steam\steamapps\*username*\garry's mod beta\garrysmodbeta") (version "5074")
L 10/13/2012 - 17:41:40: server_cvar: "sv_cheats" "0"
L 10/13/2012 - 17:42:00: server_cvar: "mp_friendlyfire" "1"
The MOTD was causing the crash, I've disabled it for the time being until I have more time to look into it.
No need to look into it, the crash was caused by the HTML panel being created:
local html = vgui.Create( "HTML", panel )
So.. yeah. HTML is very broken right now. I also noticed that I had to run -verify_all with my hldsupdatetool on gmod13 so my server would actually start.
The MOTD will stay disabled for the time being...
Jack, the latest working code has none of the errors you posted as far as I can tell.
I'm having trouble with ranks saving over gamemode changes.
I also have a script that gets the rank of players on the forum, then changes it later.
At this time, no one has joined since the data folder was cleared and server restarted.
02:14:16 PM: New map cs_office with gamemode Sandbox -- Start the map on sandbox
02:14:30 PM: Client "Socially Awkward Sniper |KS|" spawned in server (<STEAM_0:0:43358000>.
02:14:31 PM: Checking the rank of Socially Awkward Sniper |KS|, CURRENT RANK: user, FORUM RANK: superadmin -- Rank is checked, the groups are different so sync kicks in
02:14:31 PM: Socially Awkward Sniper |KS| had their rank synchronised to superadmin -- Rank gets sync'd
02:15:01 PM: Socially Awkward Sniper |KS| slapped Themself with 0 damage -- Commands are working fine
02:15:01 PM: (TEAM) Socially Awkward Sniper |KS|: !slap ^
02:15:08 PM: Socially Awkward Sniper |KS| changed the map to cs_office -- Reload the map, check if rank stays
02:15:09 PM: (TEAM) Socially Awkward Sniper |KS|: !map cs_office
02:15:09 PM: Server is shutting down/changing levels.
02:15:11 PM: New map cs_office with gamemode Sandbox
02:15:25 PM: Client "Socially Awkward Sniper |KS|" spawned in server (<STEAM_0:0:43358000>.
02:15:25 PM: Checking the rank of Socially Awkward Sniper |KS|, CURRENT RANK: superadmin, FORUM RANK: superadmin -- Rank is checked, they are the same so do nothing
02:15:50 PM: Socially Awkward Sniper |KS| slapped Themself with 0 damage -- Commands are still working fine
02:15:50 PM: (TEAM) Socially Awkward Sniper |KS|: !slap ^
02:15:56 PM: Socially Awkward Sniper |KS| changed the map to cs_office with gamemode terrortown -- Reload the map and change gamemode
02:15:56 PM: (TEAM) Socially Awkward Sniper |KS|: !map cs_office terrortown
02:15:56 PM: Server is shutting down/changing levels.
02:16:00 PM: New map cs_office with gamemode Trouble in Terrorist Town
02:16:21 PM: Client "Socially Awkward Sniper |KS|" spawned in server (<STEAM_0:0:43358000>.
02:16:21 PM: Checking the rank of Socially Awkward Sniper |KS|, CURRENT RANK: user, FORUM RANK: superadmin -- Rank is checked, for some reason I'm now counted as a user and sync kicks in
02:16:21 PM: Socially Awkward Sniper |KS| had their rank synchronised to superadmin -- Rank gets sync'd
From this point chat commands (exluding !menu) will return "You do not have access to this command, *name*.", and ulx console commands (exluding ulx menu) will return "You do not have access to this command, *name*."
Sync code
(this is a PlayerInitialSpawn hook)
AVLog( true, "Checking the rank of " .. ply:Nick() .. ", CURRENT RANK: " .. ply:GetUserGroup() .. ", FORUM RANK: " .. group )
if ply:GetUserGroup() != group then
local userInfo = ULib.ucl.authed[ ply:UniqueID() ]
ULib.ucl.addUser( ply:SteamID(), userInfo.allow, userInfo.deny, group )
ulx.fancyLog( "#T had their rank synchronised to #s", ply, group )
It has also happened the other way around, with me starting on trouble in terrorist town and then changing it to sandbox with those same issues.
Meg, Stick, ISnipU's issue have anything to do with Stick's commit to adjust the map change command from "map <x>" to "changelevel <x>" (http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/topic,5484.msg26573.html#msg26573).
I could imagine something breaking (be it ULX or b/c of Garry's code itself) losing perms across one compared to another.
We'll check into it, iSnipeu. Thank you for the well written bug report with steps to reproduce. :)
Don't think that would cause it JamminR, though it's definitely something we'll check. We issue the gamemode command before changing the map, I think...
Though, maybe it's just something to do with the gamemode terrorist town?
Jack, the latest working code has none of the errors you posted as far as I can tell.
I updated my folders and most problems are gone indeed. But there are still a few (small) problems left:
- This happens on succesful votekick:
[ERROR] attempt to call global 'PCallError' (a nil value)
1. voteDone - addons/abs/lua/ulx/modules/sh/vote.lua:92
2. ? - addons/abs/lua/ulx/modules/sh/vote.lua:79
3. unknown - lua/includes/modules/concommand.lua:69
4. unknown - (tail call):-1
- The commands / permissions lists don't get loaded into xgui (only categories)
- XGUI fails to load in Singleplayer when starting a new game for the first time after launching the game (works fine later) - Idk if this can be fixed, but it's not really that much of a problem.
Will post more if I find anything :D
Though, maybe it's just something to do with the gamemode terrorist town?
Don't think so,
It has happened the other way around and I'm normally running TTT, but changed it to sandbox for testing a few other things. (that was when I first found the issue, but I reproduced it a couple of times starting on different gamemodes to check that it was really a bug.)
I'm guessing that the gamemode command is somehow messing stuff up.
Also, I'm having a problem with ULib.tsayColor...
Silly mistake, thought that it took a table of players :P
Can't see any commands in the XGUI, only the categories. Same goes for the permissions editor.
Can't see any commands in the XGUI, only the categories. Same goes for the permissions editor.
Yes, Reported, and quite well in a list even. Thanks.
- The commands / permissions lists don't get loaded into xgui (only categories)
And, Stickly even mentions it here.
The status of XGUI is... wtf. It appears to be loading and opening correctly (minus a few things), but for some reason I can't actually see any of the controls.
Folks, I get home from work dealing with corporate management...the last thing I want to see is regurgitation in my hobby.
READ entire post before making new repeat comments about what's already known....mmkay?
Our team is working with as much time as we have. ULX is important to us, but it doesn't do our homework or pay our bills.
We'll have it ready as soon as we can.
After the new updates (39 and 40) xgui has completely broken.
I will get console logs when i have access to my server.
JamminR, that post I made was when I couldn't see XGUI at all. Nothing was visible. Categories are a different problem and yes, I am aware they are broken... Until now!
I just pushed an update to git that fixes bugs with the latest GM13 release, and fixes some major XGUI issues. Here's the changes:
-Categories are now expandable in XGUI (yay)
-MOTD has been re-enabled now that HTML is working properly
-Maps menu now shows the correct map icon, or shows noicon.png correctly
-Fixed miscellaneous XGUI errors
Now that more of XGUI is accessible, you may be running into a lot more errors. I tried to fix any major bugs that break XGUI and cause it to become uncloseable, but if you do happen to run across any showstoppers, let me know. (I AM ALREADY AWARE THAT sliders are very messed up, and that you can't scroll in the arguments list or permissions list) :P
/me claps
To the two that were discussing a TTT hang issue, please see http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/topic,5783.new.html
I split it off due to the fact that it's most likely not a ULib issue.
Do standard addon/version match troubleshooting.
Moka, do you get that in single player, or server?
Did you check to make sure you actually HAVE the file it says is missing? (Check for file in gmod/addons/ulib/lua/ulib)
Are you running our latest beta code from github?
Did you remove all older files from your server path before updating to the Gmod beta ulib code?
(No, normally not needed, but if switching from our normal svn repository to the github location, some SVN clients don't like repo changes)
Did you start getting this after a Gmod Beta update?
When did you start getting this?
I am running the latest version.
I checked, its there.
I have the latest version. Downloaded it 2 days ago... Might actually update right now to see if anything is fixed.
I didnt have any older folders, fresh install.
Does ULX currently work(meaning how it would like gmod 12).? Just wondering so i know if it is me or not.
Double post....
Anyway can you change the links on the first post?
These 2 links:
https://github.com/Nayruden/Ulysses.git/branches/GM13/ulx (https://github.com/Nayruden/Ulysses.git/branches/GM13/ulx)
https://github.com/Nayruden/Ulysses.git/branches/GM13/ulib (https://github.com/Nayruden/Ulysses.git/branches/GM13/ulib)
Should be changed to this(because its currently a broken link):
https://github.com/Nayruden/Ulysses/branches/GM13/ulx (https://github.com/Nayruden/Ulysses/branches/GM13/ulx)
https://github.com/Nayruden/Ulysses/branches/GM13/ulib (https://github.com/Nayruden/Ulysses/branches/GM13/ulib)
As far as we know, if you use the SVN links ONLY from this topic (github, not ulyssesmod.net), Ulib and ULX work reasonably well, just not XGUI as well.
That doesn't mean Garry didn't release later Gmod code than what we've fixed lately though.
As for the links, I'll let Megiddo (or Stick) do it, because as of a day or two ago, the old links worked.
They may have changed them for a reason. Or, Github may have changed something for a reason.
Well its seems after updating my ULX and Ulib it works now. A few things are a bit annoying like how I cannot see ANYTHING because of the colors. White background and light gray text makes it almost impossible for me to see it.
Anyway it works so I am all good now.
The links are correct as listed, Moka. They are SVN links, do not try to open it in your browser.
K, well I am getting this now.
That has nothing to do with ULX or ULib. It shows a path to ULib because we modify the hook library, but not in a way that would cause that. You would get a similar error without ULX or ULib installed.
ulx ragdoll - calling timer.Simple wrong (useless timer change by garry imo)
Fix: ulx\modules\sh\fun.lua:520 - from timer.Simple( seconds, unjail ) to timer.Simple( seconds, function() unjail() end )
ulx unragdoll - calling timer.Simple wrong
Fix: ulib\server\player.lua:466 - from timer.Simple( 0.1, doWeapons, player, t ) to timer.Simple( 0.1, function() doWeapons( player, t ) end )
I also noticed that if you ban someone and then change the map, the ban disappears from the table ULib.bans.
ulx ragdoll - calling timer.Simple wrong (useless timer change by garry imo)
Fix: ulx\modules\sh\fun.lua:520 - from timer.Simple( seconds, unjail ) to timer.Simple( seconds, function() unjail() end )
ulx unragdoll - calling timer.Simple wrong
Fix: ulib\server\player.lua:466 - from timer.Simple( 0.1, doWeapons, player, t ) to timer.Simple( 0.1, function() doWeapons( player, t ) end )
I also had this bug but it was in some older version of ULX. Are you sure you are using the latest SVN version?
Before anyone complains that ULX wont work on the updated garrysmod change info.txt in ulib and ulx folder to addon.txt.
Do we still need to use the gmod13 SVN, now that the update has come out?
Plans for later this evening, since this is amazingly one of the few evenings where I've got some discretionary time!
* Merge GM13 branch into master branch on github
* Check into addon.txt change... do you have any documentation on that, gaz492?
* Fix the timer.Simple issue outlined above, sorry thought I changed all those already
* Announce to the world that all ULX and ULib SVN fetchers should point to github now instead of Ulysses (much, much easier for us and it seems github's svn is pretty stable now)
* Announce that we'll be postponing official .zip and workshop releases until XGUI works
I think that's everything of import.
Locking this thread since relevant discussions should now go elsewhere.
Bug reports go here: https://github.com/Nayruden/Ulysses/issues
Help requests go in this subforum (http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/board,11.0.html)
Cheers and jeers about GM13 go in the news topic: http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/topic,5786.msg26684.html#new