General => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Digital Spit on March 24, 2012, 09:28:48 AM
I'm new to sql and I'm tyring to get a database running for RP servers I run, anyone care to share some info on where they host theirs?
I host my own. :) There are really no GOOD free SQL hosts that I've been able to find. Usually the free ones are incredibly slow and you wouldn't want to use that on a game server. I've found in my experience that if you host your SQL on a different server than the game itself you'll run into trouble with lag and uptime. Make sure that any scripts you write are redundant and have a backup in case the database is unavailable. Also... try and use the multithreaded plugin if you can. The GmMySQL or whatever the popular (older) plugin is not multithreaded and will cause the server to hang if it doesn't get a good connection to the database.
Definitely not free, but reasonable cost and decent customer service;
The Team Ulysses web site, forums, database and occasional other projects use Dreamhost. www.dreamhost.com.
I forget whethor or not when Megiddo/we host a Gmod server whether it's on Dreamhost or not. I don't think it is.
I'll definately be looking into that! For now I found a suitable host, however I have a quick question. I got this error code while my database was being accessed by my gmod server
attempt to index local 'query1' (a nil value)
I'll definately be looking into that! For now I found a suitable host, however I have a quick question. I got this error code while my database was being accessed by my gmod server
attempt to index local 'query1' (a nil value)
We'd need to see the code to be of any help. :)
Well, would you like the whole _MySQL file?
I'm perfectly fine with giving it :)
No, but all or a major portion of the lua file calling the database would be handy.