
Ulysses Stuff => General Chat & Help and Support => Topic started by: Cheeslick on December 13, 2005, 12:26:08 PM

Title: If I Paid To Beta Test UGM, Can I Beta Test ULX/Ulysses?
Post by: Cheeslick on December 13, 2005, 12:26:08 PM
I paid some hard-earned money to beta test UGM, about a month before the project was closed :'(
Is there any way that I can test future mods, as I hardly got a chance to test UGM?  ???
Title: Re: If I Paid To Beta Test UGM, Can I Beta Test ULX/Ulysses?
Post by: Golden-Death on December 13, 2005, 03:40:07 PM
sounds fair to me
Title: Re: If I Paid To Beta Test UGM, Can I Beta Test ULX/Ulysses?
Post by: Mank on December 14, 2005, 01:20:10 PM
Not really anything to test right now, but sounds fair.
Title: Re: If I Paid To Beta Test UGM, Can I Beta Test ULX/Ulysses?
Post by: Megiddo on December 14, 2005, 09:12:07 PM
That is my plan as of right now, but sadly there is no beta to test at the moment. ULX v1 still has very few changes.... I've run into a bit of a developmental wall: ULX v0.9 was so bug-free I don't have much incentive to continue it ( since it's not being used for it's original purpose anyways ), and I don't have any ideas for Ulysses besides restoring and perfecting a few UGM features.

Anyways, rest assured, ULX and Ulysses will continue.
Title: Re: If I Paid To Beta Test UGM, Can I Beta Test ULX/Ulysses?
Post by: Mank on December 15, 2005, 09:01:45 AM
That is my plan as of right now, but sadly there is no beta to test at the moment. ULX v1 still has very few changes.... I've run into a bit of a developmental wall: ULX v0.9 was so bug-free I don't have much incentive to continue it ( since it's not being used for it's original purpose anyways ), and I don't have any ideas for Ulysses besides restoring and perfecting a few UGM features.

Anyways, rest assured, ULX and Ulysses will continue.

When me and you manage to think of some ideas. :P
Title: Re: If I Paid To Beta Test UGM, Can I Beta Test ULX/Ulysses?
Post by: Cheeslick on December 15, 2005, 11:13:23 AM
I'm actually creating my own mod for gold members of the GMOD forums, so maybe we could share ideas?
Title: Re: If I Paid To Beta Test UGM, Can I Beta Test ULX/Ulysses?
Post by: Mank on December 15, 2005, 01:15:25 PM
I'm actually creating my own mod for gold members of the GMOD forums, so maybe we could share ideas?

That'd be good I suppose.