General => Off-Topic => Topic started by: JamminR on September 03, 2012, 06:39:28 PM
While I wasn't paying attention, it seems the first few chapters of Black Mesa mod have a REAL set release date.
I've been waiting for this mod for years.
I was SO dissapointed with Valve's version of Half Life Source.
If none of you have seen the trailer for Black Mesa Mod, the 3 year old trailer for it can be found here;
Interesting... I had given up on black mesa as abandonware a long time ago...
I'd come close, but not fully.
Check the site once every few months in hopes of an update.
Big surprise when I saw that one.
I'm glad they are at LEAST releasing something.
I'm still not happy it's not complete.
I only hope it doesn't take another 7 years to finish the next release.
For the first few minutes of me tinkering with that count down timer, I couldn't figure out the time Black Mesa Source site used.
Days... check.
What... what time in hours/minutes??? Midnight doesn't match. Noon doesn't match.
For MY local time (it is javascript, so, client/local)... I figured out it was 1047am (EST)
What?? WHy? Why such an odd time?
Then I realized... I'd been playing HL:Source to get a feel of the game again, so I could compare Black Mesa Source, see if they use same general flow/enemy placement..etc.
I went back and played the intro train ride.
According to the soothing voice... while riding the train, "the time is now 8...47...am"
That rocks!
I couldn't convince anyone off or coming in later to come in for me at 1047 (or earlier, so I could be home by then).
Darn work...all working ~50hrs average a week...no one dares volunteer more.