General => Developers Corner => Topic started by: Moka on March 05, 2013, 04:30:21 PM
For some reason when a person leaves the game while holding the chat key they always seem to popup the same error that the entity returns null.
Any help? I tried ending the function if it returns null but it just breaks it.
tcolor = team.GetColor(self.ply:Team())
tcol = Color( tcolor.r,tcolor.g,tcolor.b,100 )
if ( !IsValid( self.ply ) ) then return end
if ( !self.ply:Alive() ) then
draw.RoundedBox( 4, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 0, 0, 0, 100 ) )
draw.RoundedBox( 4, 0, 0, w, h, tcol )
And I can never seem to fix the error when I am creating a HUD I try to draw the players health but when the player dies it just said clip1 return null value.
The code looks fine...
I don't know why that happens. How do you know for sure that this happens when someone is holding the chat key?
Valgoid, be a bit careful, you've necro'd some posts that really have no need to be necro'd.
Necro'd? Sorry xD What does that mean?
Edit: Got it, I'm sorry havent been looking at the dates, just been trying to help, so if anyone has same problem they can look at post and stuff. Sorry.
Necro'd? Sorry xD What does that mean?
Posting on a thread that hasn't been posted on for 30 days. Basically bringing it back to life.
Check the dates on threads before posting. ;)
Neku, 30 days isn't really that bad.
Especially in a (usually) slower forum like Ulysses).
We really don't mind if someone is bringing definitive new information that would be helpful to everyone.
But, this one was over a year.
Neku, 30 days isn't really that bad.
Especially in a (usually) slower forum like Ulysses).
We really don't mind if someone is bringing definitive new information that would be helpful to everyone.
But, this one was over a year.
30 is the usual limit I see on a bunch of other forums. I was unsure about this one.