General => Developers Corner => Topic started by: xXGhostieXx on April 21, 2013, 03:27:59 PM
Hello, I would like to know which setting or permission it is for the groups mod, senior-mod, and admins to ban steam ID's. I cant find which one it is. Thanks for any help
"ulx banid" :)
I'm not seeing that in the "has access to" list..which category?
It's normally superadmin.
But if you're adding it, just type it.
ulx banid
I'm either not following or you're not following...im trying to to get those groups to be able to ban ID's...
You're not following us, I'm pretty sure.
You either use XGUI to add "ulx banid" to the groups you want.
Or, you use console and the ulx groupallow command.
See "ulx usermanagementhelp" from console if you want to see more info on console user management.
I typed:
rcon ulx groupallow "mod" ulx banid
You granted group mod access "ulx" with tag "banid"
is that what it is?
ulx groupallow "mod" "ulx banid"
the command takes spaces as new arguments.
Thank you :D