General => Off-Topic => Topic started by: L1miter on April 28, 2013, 07:11:11 AM
Does ULX have some kind of a restriction to restrict what weapons or Tools players can use ? if not can someone tell me a good restriction addon
I think URS (http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/topic,5269.0.html) would be what you are looking for.
I though URS is not for Gmod 13 yet
im pretty sure it is
To answer your original question, no, by default, ULX doesn't limit weapons or tools.
I believe this wasn't done because we figured Gmod could limit admin weapons/tools with a variable or group change.
As for URS and other releases;
Many community members have updated releases here. Look over the last few forum pages of any release your looking for.
Even if not done by the original author of the first post, another lua coder may have posted a working link.
Gmod13 was released late October 2012, so look for discussion past that date.