
General => Developers Corner => Topic started by: Marshy on May 07, 2013, 06:22:32 PM

Title: [REQUEST] SMF user integration with ULX
Post by: Marshy on May 07, 2013, 06:22:32 PM
Hi all

I'm looking for some way to integrate SMF (Simple Machines Forums) with ULX to mirror users and their group types

for example

user signs onto sight and has steam id cached and is now a VIP through the subscription system
user is now a VIP on the GMOD server.

sorry if i don't make much sense at the moment it's 0223 in the morning and I'm tired as .

Thanks in advanced
Title: Re: [REQUEST] SMF user integration with ULX
Post by: JamminR on May 07, 2013, 08:21:43 PM
Way back years ago, Megiddo did that when we actually ran a gmod server.
Try advanced search for posts by Megiddo, and perhaps key words of 'smf' or similar. Older than 2 years I think.
He posted some old code, that though likely wouldn't work now, may not be difficult to use as a basic idea.

EDIT- I'm scary good at finding digital history.
If you don't ever want it seen, don't ever put it in electronic ink. ;)
Title: Re: [REQUEST] SMF user integration with ULX
Post by: Megiddo on May 08, 2013, 05:53:05 AM
Note: That code was written for SMF v1 (v2 is most common now) and the UCL APIs have been changed slightly since then. Overall though, the changes should be straightforward.
Title: Re: [REQUEST] SMF user integration with ULX
Post by: Marshy on May 08, 2013, 06:28:42 AM
Megiddo would it be possible for you to make the changes for me pleaser and i repay you back in some way :D

awesomeness in advanced
Title: Re: [REQUEST] SMF user integration with ULX
Post by: Megiddo on May 08, 2013, 07:34:10 AM
Sorry, other things are taking priority in my life at the moment.
Title: Re: [REQUEST] SMF user integration with ULX
Post by: Marshy on May 08, 2013, 07:35:04 AM
understandable :)