General => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Kossan on January 02, 2014, 05:55:46 AM
Hello how do i fix act dance the act plugin to gmod? Or where is the plugin? Just need it plz help
The act commands were built into garry's mod by default. There isn't a plugin for it as far as I know. What is wrong with yours?
He could be running TTT...
BKU disabled the act command in Trouble in Terrorist Town because players would abuse it to glitch their hitboxes.
Kossan, is this the case? Are you running TTT on your server, or is this another gamemode?
ttt server
Yep, my suspicions were correct.
Bad King disabled the act command in TTT revision 30 because of the glitchy hitbox bug it causes, giving players an unfair advantage.
If you go onto BKU's Git repo, you might be able to find the code change between v29 and v30 and modify your code to reflect it.
This is the TTT git repo. :D (https://github.com/garrynewman/garrysmod/tree/master/garrysmod/gamemodes/terrortown)
If you need anything else, just ask.