General => Off-Topic => Topic started by: TheSabreSlicer on January 10, 2014, 10:26:27 AM
So for the past week or so I have been trying to install mysqloo on my server to use with TTT stats. I have beening running into a problem though. I am getting this error when I start up my server with the addon enabled:
[ERROR] addons/dblogging/lua/dbmodules/database/database.lua:1: Couldn't load module library!
1. require - [C]:-1
2. unknown - addons/dblogging/lua/dbmodules/database/database.lua:1
3. include - [C]:-1
4. unknown - addons/dblogging/lua/init.lua:8
5. include - [C]:-1
6. unknown - addons/dblogging/lua/autorun/server/runme.lua:1
[ERROR] addons/dblogging/lua/dbmodules/database/database.lua:1: Couldn't load module library!
1. require - [C]:-1
2. unknown - addons/dblogging/lua/dbmodules/database/database.lua:1
3. include - [C]:-1
4. unknown - addons/dblogging/lua/init.lua:8
5. include - [C]:-1
6. unknown - addons/dblogging/lua/autorun/server/runme.lua:1
I understand from some digging around that this is caused by libmysql not being installed correctly. When I run lua_run require("mysqloo"),
I get almost the same error:
> require("mysqloo")...
[ERROR] lua_run:1: Couldn't load module library!
1. require - [C]:-1
2. unknown - lua_run:1
[ERROR] lua_run:1: Couldn't load module library!
1. require - [C]:-1
2. unknown - lua_run:1
Please help! I have posted this on Facepunch and CentOS forums.
Currently I have libmysqlcppconn.so in the folder that contains my garrysmod/ server folder (this is where srcds_run and srcds_linux are located for me. Here is the OP on Facepunch for mysqloo:
http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1220537 (http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1220537)
I really need help with this! :o :-[ >:(
Are you using the 32 bit version of the library?
It looks like it may not work with CentOS.