General => Developers Corner => Topic started by: xXBryanXx on January 16, 2014, 04:31:37 PM
I have a custom MOTD that I am trying to replace the default ULX MOTD with and I want to use the same command (!motd). When I disable the ULX motd, it disables the entire !motd command. I tried going into the ulx files and changing the ULX command to !umotd, but that didn't work. If anyone knows how to do this, please tell me. Thanks.
Put the motd you want under garrysmod_root/ulx_motd.txt.
You mean a full on custom motd, or just one you wrote?
You mean a full on custom motd, or just one you wrote?
It is a full on custom MOTD with derma panels etc.
Ah sorry, I misunderstood. You should be able to remove lua/ulx/modules/cl/motdmenu.lua to disable the ULX MOTD.
I removed motdmenu.lua and it removes the ULX motd, but it seems like it's still interfering with my custom motd because nothing shows up now when I type !motd.
How did you register "!motd"?
How did you register "!motd"?
What do you mean by that?
What do you mean by that?
You need to add the command "!motd".
You need to add the command "!motd".
To my custom MOTD? The command is already added to that.
To my custom MOTD? The command is already added to that.
How? Share the code.
How? Share the code.
I purchased the MOTD from someone else. I have the code, but changing the command is in a config file which then links to another file which puts it into effect. I can show you the code for the config file, if that would be of any use.
It seems to me, that ulx still is trying to use the ULX motd, and doesn't let anything else use the !motd command.
I purchased the MOTD from someone else. I have the code, but changing the command is in a config file which then links to another file which puts it into effect. I can show you the code for the config file, if that would be of any use.
It seems to me, that ulx still is trying to use the ULX motd, and doesn't let anything else use the !motd command.
No. It sounds like you're simply not registering it as a command.
No. It sounds like you're simply not registering it as a command.
I change the command to something else such as !motdu and it works. !motd does not work.
The command is registered in ulx/modules/sh/menus.lua, but it's only registered if the motdmenu.lua exists.
The command is registered in ulx/modules/sh/menus.lua, but it's only registered if the motdmenu.lua exists.
Bryan, Are you sure you removed it from the server's path, and not your local game (or, are you running listen server?)
Have fast DL? Clean it from any there?
Bryan, Are you sure you removed it from the server's path, and not your local game (or, are you running listen server?)
Have fast DL? Clean it from any there?
I am running a dedicated server, and yes, I did remove the old ulx motd from the server via FTP.
So does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?
you could just turn off the motd under the ulx config by setting the show motd option to 0
Can't remember the path at the moment but it shouldnt be hard to find, its a txt either in the ulx folder in your data folder or in the addons ulx folder.
You may need to remove the phrasing that will say motd is disabled though
So does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?
Comment out gmod/data/ulx/config.txt "motdfile", then make sure your script or server.cfg is setting the motdfile convar to something other than what it used to have for ULX.
If you've not reset it on the server, it's likely the same.