General => Developers Corner => Topic started by: Edward Snowman on March 09, 2014, 04:50:03 PM
Hey! Im somewhat new to ULX and cant seem to figure out how to set it to where like "Mod" cant target any rank above mod. I saw a post explaining that !%Mod should work but it doesnt, it either lets them target all or none, HELP!
Whatever rank is the next tier in your ranks.
Here's my example:
user, moderator, admin, superadmin
For this, you'd do
User: *
Moderator: !%admin
Admin: !%superadmin
Superadmin: *
And also, I recommend that you rename your ranks so they are lowercase.
I don't know if it'll affect anything if you don't, but it's just a safer approach.
Hey! Im somewhat new to ULX and cant seem to figure out how to set it to where like "Mod" cant target any rank above mod. I saw a post explaining that !%Mod should work but it doesnt, it either lets them target all or none, HELP!
Do NOT use capital letters in group names- I found this out the hard way.
It breaks the ULX inheritance system/can_target.
So what would be the easiest way to fix that if we had them with uppercase such as: Mod
So what would be the easiest way to fix that if we had them with uppercase such as: Mod
Rename them in XGUI under Groups>Group Management.
It's not that hard- I'll post screenshots if you need.
First of you need to be sure the rank that is supposed to be above a rank is actually higher rank
That means you need a system like the following:
User (no inheritance)
VIP (inherits from user)
Moderator (inherits from VIP)
Admin (inherits from Moderator)
Superadmin (inherits from Admin)
Then the "!%GROUP" option works. Otherwise it will be tricky to make it work or wont work at all, I suggest you to use the simple way and let every rank inherit from the rank before it.
Good luck.
It's actualy quite simple after you get the grasp of it :D
Say these are your Ranks, and they all have access to commands which target other players (The Need to inhert from Eachother)
For Moderator to be unable to target operator, you will have to use the parameter
The %operator is everyone in the usergroup, and the ! means anyone not in the usergroup, which inherts from it.