General => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Golden-Death on February 13, 2007, 10:00:16 PM
5:30 AM - Wake up, prepare for school. (Today I was going an hour early)
7:00 AM - Arrive at school, 0 period to help set up a concert for my band class
8:00 AM - Have all the risers and stands and such set up and ready to go in our theater. Classes begin, which I don't have to go to today because I'm excused for 1-4
8:01 AM - Rehearsal begins for Advanced Band.
9:00 AM - Rehearsal for PM Jazz Band Begins.
10:00 AM - 6th graders arrive at the school
10:30 AM - Watch my friends perform their Color Guard show for the 6th graders.
11:00 AM - Bands play for the 6th graders, enticing their appetite for music and gaining us more recruits.
11:30 AM - I teach some Sixies how to play trumpet.
12:00 PM - I clean up and deconstruct everything in the theater.
12:24 PM - Lunch time FTW. I bought a burrito and hung out with my (GASSSP) friends.
12:53 PM - 5th period begins. I go to english and we analyze media ads.
1:56 PM - 6th period Spanish begins
2:58 PM - Schools out. I head to band room
3:15 PM - Rehearsal for pit orchestra for the musical starts. I'm playing percussion because the sonova(*#$@ composer didn't make enough trumpet parts.
5:30 PM - Rehearsals over. I ride home.
6:00 PM - Mother's birthday. Go out for dinner
8:00 PM - Arrive home, work on valentines and HW
9:00 PM - Go read me book.
10:00 PM - Now here. With some HW left to do.
Where's the time to play Natural Selection with your favorite clan?
You see any spare time in thar?
Where's the time to play Natural Selection with your favorite clan?
He doesn't have time to spend extra with his favorite clan, he spends it all with us!
(*evil grin*)
Why do you have your schedule posted?
lawl, you have no time in schedule for NS but you have space in schedule to post a schedule, OMG PARADOX