General => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Neku on March 31, 2014, 07:50:36 AM
I'll start off with mine.
Vilayer. Although, this is the only host I've been with.
I've used maybe three in total, but my main has always been Nuclear Fallout so I'll pick that as my favorite.
I tried them all, back when I was doing shared hosting (circa 2007/8) We decided to foot the cost of a dedicated server though, and ever since then we've used Limestone Networks. They're not a game server host, so you aren't going to get the 'shady' packages 'built for gamers'. But, it takes a little more knowledge to set your stuff up as it's all on you.
They're the best service I've been able to find for a reasonable amount per month.
I tried them all, back when I was doing shared hosting (circa 2007/8) We decided to foot the cost of a dedicated server though, and ever since then we've used Limestone Networks. They're not a game server host, so you aren't going to get the 'shady' packages 'built for gamers'. But, it takes a little more knowledge to set your stuff up as it's all on you.
They're the best service I've been able to find for a reasonable amount per month.
A dedicated server is definitely nice, but it's pricey (especially for a student). I'll make sure to give Limestone Networks a shot whenever I decide to get a fully dedicated server.
Play your cards right and it pays for itself. It's been almost 2 years since I've payed anything out of pocket for my server.
I personally used XenonServers (http://xenonservers.com) for a while- they were pretty good. Decent support, nice connectivity...
I left them for a VPS from GMCHosting (http://gmchosting.com) ($35/mo for great specs) and I love it.
I've used maybe three in total, but my main has always been Nuclear Fallout so I'll pick that as my favorite.
I think I'll be trying Nuclear Fallout next. It has that nice donating system.
I used Xenon servers when I first started up my community because that's what everyone was using it was a terrible experience to say the least, I have used NFO for a few years now and their customer support is amazing.
Hhmmm, the best host is being your own host. (Atleast if your internet can carry it) I have my own dedicated box for like 3 months now and I'm loving it. You need a little experience but the things you learn are amazing :)
I've never been happy with any host, but then again, I've never been willing to shell out a lot of cash, either...
When I ran servers my favorite host was Red Speed Servers the quality was amazing, near 100% up time the support was outstanding almost always had an answere within an hour of opening a ticket and the prices where by all means fair, but sadly they shutdown due to financial issues...
http://www.nfoservers.com/ (http://www.nfoservers.com/)
By far, they are the best. When you open a help ticket they respond in minutes, and there is no problem they leave, until its resolved. They have really cheap servers with no lag at all. They are a friendly community. I strongly recommend you use them to host your servers, all of my friends use their service, you won't regret it.
NFO is great, I use it on my server, a little pricy but it's worth it.
Wombat Servers... I can't seem to find a better Australian server host.
NFO is great, I use it on my server, a little pricy but it's worth it.
Its the cheapest you can get!