
General => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Bryantdl7 on November 10, 2014, 12:39:58 PM

Title: Anyone use globalban?
Post by: Bryantdl7 on November 10, 2014, 12:39:58 PM
I'm trying to set up ulx global ban and I have it working entirely except for converting my old ULX bans into their format. The creator doesnt exactly tell you how to use it other than a single line of commented text. Any ideas?

http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1231554&page=6 (http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1231554&page=6) is the addon + my question again.

--Convert all Existing ULX Bans to ULXGlobalBan Database? (First Use Only, once done please set to false and restart server!)
--Please note the converter does not always function when not all the ban data is present for that player! So please make a backup and run through the ban list to make sure that the players are there!
Thats all they gave me lol

And my post I made on facepunch

Quote from: Bryantdl7;46456496
Hate to bump an oldish post. But I don't see any step by step instructions on how to use the converter
here's the method I tried with no luck .-.

1. shut down server
2. copy in backed up ulx bans into ulib/bans.txt
3. edit gb_config.lua line 28 to GB_Convert = true;
4. Upload to my servers ftp
5. start my server

Any idiotic moves on my part?
Title: Re: Anyone use globalban?
Post by: Avoid on November 11, 2014, 04:51:24 AM
Hello there,
while I do not use globalbans, I think you have to set GB_Convert to true once and restart your server.
Just make sure to actually disable it once all bans have been converted.
Title: Re: Anyone use globalban?
Post by: Bryantdl7 on November 11, 2014, 05:17:01 AM
Thanks for the advice, but I have already tried that if you read my post on face punch. That didn't do it and I'm feeling like I'm missing a step nobody took the time to explain.
Title: Re: Anyone use globalban?
Post by: Bryantdl7 on November 12, 2014, 09:37:53 AM
I'll just get my staff to ban all 1,597 of them xD