General => Developers Corner => Topic started by: Zendrex on December 28, 2014, 08:31:48 AM
Hey everyone, Im curious how I would be able to do this.
I went ahead and got Pointshop, a skin for it, and the TTT-Upgrads addon for pointshop. However, my problem is that I want the upgrade menu to show up in the pointshop menu. Not on its own only accessible with a separate keybind, (f6). I have seen a couple other servers have this, but can't seem to find out for my self.
Hopefully someone here can help me.
http://pointshop.burt0n.net/ (http://pointshop.burt0n.net/) <-- Pointshop
https://scriptfodder.com/scripts/view/79/ (https://scriptfodder.com/scripts/view/79/) <-- Clean Skin
TTT Pointshop Perks/Upgrades (I was still able to get it from my coderhire account).
Images so you can find out what it is.
http://prntscr.com/5luzvr (http://prntscr.com/5luzvr)
http://prntscr.com/5lv02c (http://prntscr.com/5lv02c)
http://prntscr.com/5lv053 (http://prntscr.com/5lv053)
http://prntscr.com/5lv0ii (http://prntscr.com/5lv0ii)
What I am looking for:
http://prntscr.com/5luzfw (http://prntscr.com/5luzfw)
As I am not sure what I would need to provide for someone to help me, and i cant re distribute paid addons, one will have to ask me for what they would need in order to help.
Thankyou in advance, Zen
Hey under any means, i do not know how to add it but HOW DID U GET THAT! I REALLY WANT TTT UPGRADES! PLZ TELL
Hey under any means, i do not know how to add it but HOW DID U GET THAT! I REALLY WANT TTT UPGRADES! PLZ TELL
He bought it from Coderhire.com
He bought it from Coderhire.com
I know I actually got it to XD I forgot I bought it too
Hey, can someone give me the ttt_upgrades addon?
Will buy it.
Searching it for month but didn´t found it yet. Please help :(
Hey, can someone give me the ttt_upgrades addon?
Will buy it.
Searching it for month but didn´t found it yet. Please help :(
Sorry to bump.
I uploaded it to github with permission and it is now a community project.
I uploaded it to github with permission and it is now a community project.
You wouldnt happen to have that link to the Github project would you? I would be keen in using this on my server. :)
I just searched at Github and found that.
I just searched at Github and found that.
That's me :D Oh, can someone rename my forums account to Unknown Gamer?
Menu pops up (dedicated F6), but when equipping them, they don't activate. Any ideas?
Using it on TTT
I just searched at Github and found that.
Thanks :D