General => Off-Topic => Topic started by: HostilityRP on January 03, 2015, 05:32:47 AM
I need help with some of my custom ranks, i made a rank called moderator and had some commands like teleport,freeze,jail,etc.... but it dosent show in the scoreboard when i press my name and it dosent show the rank "admin+" when i switch to superadmin all commands and rank "superadmin" is there. Help
are they inheriting from "admin" or an admin rank?
ok first up, disable FAdmin. you're relying on it to show you your ULX ranks, which it won't.
next, confirm the actual rank by typing "ulx who" in console while you are that rank, if it says moderator or admin+ then it's just FAdmin being itself.
Is there a way to still enable FAdmin like most servers and it shows my available player options like freeze,jail like the superadmin
You dont HAVE to disable it, I'm saying that's why you're not seeing your ranks. FAdmin doesn't show ULX ranks.
FIXED IT. i just made a group in server settings :D Thanks for your help syst3M4TiK
It's what im here for