General => Developers Corner => Topic started by: Janjakob2000 on March 12, 2015, 11:47:56 AM
So I am using a few addons for my server like a prefix addon wich uses this code
CreateClientConVar("chat_tags_color_r", 255, true, false)
CreateClientConVar("chat_tags_color_g", 255, true, false)
CreateClientConVar("chat_tags_color_b", 255, true, false)
CreateClientConVar("chat_tags_color_a", 255, true, false)
local Tags =
--Group --Tag --Color
{"user", "[User] ", Color(212, 67, 255, 255) },
{"admin", "[ADMIN] ", Color(0, 0, 255, 255) },
{"superadmin", "[SUPERADMIN] ", Color(255, 0, 0, 255) },
{"owner", "[OWNER] ", Color(0, 255, 0, 255) }
hook.Add("OnPlayerChat", "Tags", function(ply, strText, bTeamOnly)
if IsValid(ply) and ply:IsPlayer() then
for k,v in pairs(Tags) do
if ply:IsUserGroup(v[1]) then
local R = GetConVarNumber("chat_tags_color_r")
local G = GetConVarNumber("chat_tags_color_g")
local B = GetConVarNumber("chat_tags_color_b")
local A = GetConVarNumber("chat_tags_color_a")
local nickteam = team.GetColor(ply:Team())
if !bTeamOnly then
chat.AddText(v[3], v[2], nickteam, ply:Nick(), color_white, ": ", Color(R, G, B, A), strText)
return true
chat.AddText(v[3], v[2], nickteam, "(TEAM) ", ply:Nick(), color_white, ": ", Color(R, G, B, A), strText)
return true
if !IsValid(ply) and !ply:IsPlayer() then
local ConsoleColor = Color(0, 255, 0) --Change this to change Console name color
chat.AddText(ConsoleColor, "Console", color_white, ": ", strText)
return true
end )
So I tryed adding a prefix for a different group, then it would like something like this right?
CreateClientConVar("chat_tags_color_r", 255, true, false)
CreateClientConVar("chat_tags_color_g", 255, true, false)
CreateClientConVar("chat_tags_color_b", 255, true, false)
CreateClientConVar("chat_tags_color_a", 255, true, false)
local Tags =
--Group --Tag --Color
{"user", "[User] ", Color(212, 67, 255, 255) },
{"member", "[MEMBER] ", Color(20, 175, 66, 255) },
{"admin", "[ADMIN] ", Color(0, 0, 255, 255) },
{"superadmin", "[SUPERADMIN] ", Color(255, 0, 0, 255) },
{"owner", "[OWNER] ", Color(0, 255, 0, 255) }
hook.Add("OnPlayerChat", "Tags", function(ply, strText, bTeamOnly)
if IsValid(ply) and ply:IsPlayer() then
for k,v in pairs(Tags) do
if ply:IsUserGroup(v[1]) then
local R = GetConVarNumber("chat_tags_color_r")
local G = GetConVarNumber("chat_tags_color_g")
local B = GetConVarNumber("chat_tags_color_b")
local A = GetConVarNumber("chat_tags_color_a")
local nickteam = team.GetColor(ply:Team())
if !bTeamOnly then
chat.AddText(v[3], v[2], nickteam, ply:Nick(), color_white, ": ", Color(R, G, B, A), strText)
return true
chat.AddText(v[3], v[2], nickteam, "(TEAM) ", ply:Nick(), color_white, ": ", Color(R, G, B, A), strText)
return true
if !IsValid(ply) and !ply:IsPlayer() then
local ConsoleColor = Color(0, 255, 0) --Change this to change Console name color
chat.AddText(ConsoleColor, "Console", color_white, ": ", strText)
return true
end )
Now I go on my server, set myself to this rank, and it doesn't shows up. (the prefix doesn't show up)
Any help on how to fix this?
Did you restart?
Like a thousand times.
Do the other tags work? (admin, superadmin, owner)
Yes they do, they work just fine.
Yes they do, they work just fine.
While you're connected to your srever, from game or server console, do a "ulx who" - that will list all connected players and the group they are in - does it show you as "owner" group. Case sensitive. Can't be "Owner" or another group, would have to be "owner".
Yes I have checked my spelling and all that stuff, I set myself to member and it does not have a prefix or something like it.