
General => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Bytewave on March 24, 2015, 06:05:50 PM

Title: So this just happened...
Post by: Bytewave on March 24, 2015, 06:05:50 PM
[19:29:28] Client "[REDACTED]" connected.
[19:30:31] Client "[REDACTED]" spawned in server <[REDACTED]> (took 63 seconds).
[19:30:32] Client "supermarioraymond1" connected.
[19:30:38] total takedown killed Master of Golfcarts™ using player
[19:31:07] Client "supermarioraymond1" spawned in server <STEAM_0:1:43094330> (took 35 seconds).
[19:31:21] (TEAM) [REDACTED]: Is the owner of this server online?
[19:31:29] (TEAM) [REDACTED]: D*mn.
[19:31:32] (TEAM) [REDACTED]: I'll wait until later.

19:40:10] [REDACTED] to admins: Are you the owner?
[19:40:31] (Console) to [REDACTED]: Indeed I am.
[19:40:39] [REDACTED] to admins: I would like to buy the server.
[19:40:59] Dropped "[AG]Ninja_Assassin101" from server<STEAM_0:1:86001122>
[19:41:02] [REDACTED] to admins: All that matters is the price you want for it.
[19:41:03] Conker killed supermarioraymond1
[19:41:08] (Console) to [REDACTED]: ... Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah, not happening, mate.
[19:41:15] [REDACTED] to admins: 100 dollars?
[19:41:20] [REDACTED] to admins: 100 even.
[19:41:38] (Console) to [REDACTED]: PonyPwnage is my heart and soul. It ain't for sale.
[19:41:49] [REDACTED] to admins: What if I were offering... One thousand?
[19:42:25] (TEAM) total takedown: !relaod
[19:42:26] Conker: alive
[19:42:38] Princess Luna FaZePoN was killed by trigger_hurt
[19:42:38] [REDACTED] to admins: One THOUSAND dollars, for this server
[19:42:48] [REDACTED] to admins: Think about what you could do with that money.
[19:42:58] [REDACTED] to admins: If you wanted, you could open another server.
[19:43:06] [REDACTED] to admins: Multiple.
[19:43:06] Dropped "Princess Luna FaZePoN" from server<STEAM_0:1:61266759>
[19:43:10] (Console) to [REDACTED]: If you want a server, kid, just rent one. You could give me a million dollars, and I still wouldn't sell this server.
[19:43:25] [REDACTED] to admins: Hmm, I could arrange a million...
[19:43:30] Master of Golfcarts™ killed Conker using weapon_ttt_knife
[19:43:52] [REDACTED] to admins: And I want to own a server that already HAS its own community.
[19:43:55] Master of Golfcarts™ killed total takedown using player
[19:44:12] (Console) to [REDACTED]: K, quit trolling. Rcon isn't that hard to close. You gonna play the game, or do I have to shut ya up myself?

19:45:49] [REDACTED] to admins: Well, I can see that you care about this server. I shall make no more offers.
[19:46:18] Client "Vinyl Scratch" connected.
[19:46:51] [REDACTED] to admins: I appreciate your time.
[19:46:53] (Console) to [REDACTED]: Appreciated.
[19:46:59] (TEAM) [REDACTED]: !stop
[19:47:00] total takedown killed Conker using player
[19:47:03] (Console) to [REDACTED]: heh

I smell trollin'.
I'd reveal the name, but for the sake of anonymity I'll leave it hidden.
Title: Re: So this just happened...
Post by: Aaron113 on March 24, 2015, 06:20:46 PM
Bahahahah, inb4 he was serious.  These type of things made my day back when I ran servers.
Title: Re: So this just happened...
Post by: Bytewave on March 24, 2015, 06:26:14 PM
Bahahahah, inb4 he was serious.  These type of things made my day back when I ran servers.
I'd love to see someone actually get $1 million USD for a 24-slot rented Garry's Mod server.
Title: Re: So this just happened...
Post by: JamminR on March 24, 2015, 08:33:49 PM
Thats just...funny.
Whenever I see topic titles like this I think I'm walking into an exploit chat post.
Glad this was entertaining.
Why build your own community when you can server-nap someone elses.

One meeeeelion dollars
Title: Re: So this just happened...
Post by: Bytewave on March 25, 2015, 05:22:17 AM
Thats just...funny.
Whenever I see topic titles like this I think I'm walking into an exploit chat post.
Glad this was entertaining.
Why build your own community when you can server-nap someone elses.

One meeeeelion dollars
"Hey look, a decent server! Let's try and scam the guy out of his hard work for our own exploits!"

I later banned him, telling him to give me the $1 million in exchange for an unban.
Title: Re: So this just happened...
Post by: Bryantdl7 on March 31, 2015, 04:57:32 AM

"Hey look, a decent server! Let's try and scam the guy out of his hard work for our own exploits!"

I later banned him, telling him to give me the $1 million in exchange for an unban.
mind pm'ing me his steamid? I dont want someone like that on my server ever
Title: Re: So this just happened...
Post by: Livaco on April 01, 2015, 12:55:57 PM
[19:46:59] (TEAM) [REDACTED]: !stop

Lol Noob He Tried To Stop The Server
Title: Re: So this just happened...
Post by: Bytewave on April 01, 2015, 02:22:36 PM
Lol Noob He Tried To Stop The Server
... That's a custom command to stop music.
Title: Re: So this just happened...
Post by: Livaco on April 01, 2015, 02:38:14 PM
... That's a custom command to stop music.
Oh right