General => Developers Corner => Topic started by: Belly136 on March 26, 2015, 05:29:17 AM
Ok so i'm having a problem with ulx xgui. I have 2 same derma themes for some reason and one without a name.When i click on one in the middle my server console is getting spammed with these:
[Belly|2|STEAM_0:0:85396729] Lua Error:
[ERROR] lua/vgui/dpropertysheet.lua:92: attempt to index field 'Tab' (a nil value)
1. UpdateColours - lua/vgui/dpropertysheet.lua:92
2. ApplySchemeSettings - lua/vgui/dlabel.lua:78
3. ApplySchemeSettings - lua/vgui/dpropertysheet.lua:121
4. unknown - lua/vgui/dpropertysheet.lua:65
5. InvalidateLayout - [C]:-1
6. func - lua/vgui/dpropertysheet.lua:300
7. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/ulx/xgui/settings.lua:24
[Belly|2|STEAM_0:0:85396729] Lua Error:
[ERROR] lua/vgui/dpropertysheet.lua:100: attempt to index field 'Tab' (a nil value)
1. UpdateColours - lua/vgui/dpropertysheet.lua:100
2. ApplySchemeSettings - lua/vgui/dlabel.lua:78
3. ApplySchemeSettings - lua/vgui/dpropertysheet.lua:121
4. func - lua/vgui/dpropertysheet.lua:323
5. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/ulx/xgui/settings.lua:24
[Belly|2|STEAM_0:0:85396729] Lua Error:
[ERROR] lua/vgui/dpropertysheet.lua:100: attempt to index field 'Tab' (a nil value)
1. UpdateColours - lua/vgui/dpropertysheet.lua:100
2. ApplySchemeSettings - lua/vgui/dlabel.lua:78
3. ApplySchemeSettings - lua/vgui/dpropertysheet.lua:121
4. unknown - lua/vgui/dhorizontalscroller.lua:102
[Belly|2|STEAM_0:0:85396729] Lua Error:
[ERROR] lua/vgui/dpropertysheet.lua:100: attempt to index field 'Tab' (a nil value)
1. UpdateColours - lua/vgui/dpropertysheet.lua:100
2. ApplySchemeSettings - lua/vgui/dlabel.lua:78
3. ApplySchemeSettings - lua/vgui/dpropertysheet.lua:121
4. unknown - lua/vgui/dpropertysheet.lua:65
[Belly|2|STEAM_0:0:85396729] Lua Error:
[ERROR] lua/vgui/dpropertysheet.lua:92: attempt to index field 'Tab' (a nil value)
1. UpdateColours - lua/vgui/dpropertysheet.lua:92
2. ApplySchemeSettings - lua/vgui/dlabel.lua:78
3. ApplySchemeSettings - lua/vgui/dpropertysheet.lua:121
4. unknown - lua/vgui/dpropertysheet.lua:65
Not sure why but i've tried reinstalled my game and redownloading server but problem is still here.
Here's screenshot
http://s9.postimg.org/adwg1fuan/2015_03_26_00001.jpg (http://s9.postimg.org/adwg1fuan/2015_03_26_00001.jpg)
I haven't tested XGUI with derma themes for a while- I haven't been able to find any. Could you send me your Derma themes so that I can test them out myself? Thanks!
I would love to if only knew where they are lol
Can i just remove it?
You'd have to find the Derma skin and remove it. :P For now you can just leave it alone- it's a client-side only thing, so you won't affect other players by changing the skin. I'll have to figure out if Derma skins are still a thing (whether they still work or nobody uses them any more), and decide if I should just remove that feature.
Well my server console is getting spammed with errors :-\
I'm curious- try commenting out ulx/lua/ulx/xgui/settings/client.lua Line 110 (https://github.com/Nayruden/Ulysses/blob/master/ulx/lua/ulx/xgui/settings/client.lua#L110) on your server, then do a changelevel/restart and see if the skins no longer show up.
That didn't do anything.
Hmm.. Oh well. Comment out Lines 120-121 (https://github.com/Nayruden/Ulysses/blob/master/ulx/lua/ulx/xgui/settings/client.lua#L120-L121), and that should prevent XGUI from being able to change from the default skin at all.
Well that did fix errors but these 2 same themes are still here... Can i somehow remove them?
[Belly|2|STEAM_0:0:85396729] Lua Error:
[ERROR] lua/vgui/dpropertysheet.lua:100: attempt to index field 'Tab' (a nil value)
1. UpdateColours - lua/vgui/dpropertysheet.lua:100
2. ApplySchemeSettings - lua/vgui/dlabel.lua:78
3. ApplySchemeSettings - lua/vgui/dpropertysheet.lua:121
4. unknown - lua/vgui/dpropertysheet.lua:65
Means That U Need To Fix Lua Code In The File, If U Search Up LUA Tuts U Can Prob Fix It Or U Can Give It To Someone And Afk Them To Fix It