
General => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Sweepyoface on April 24, 2015, 07:41:18 PM

Title: FPP Ranks
Post by: Sweepyoface on April 24, 2015, 07:41:18 PM
Is there a way, with Falco's Prop Protection, to let certain groups be able to pick up users' props? I want the donoradmin group (below default admin) to be able to move/remove people's props.
Title: Re: FPP Ranks
Post by: Aaron113 on April 25, 2015, 10:16:28 PM
Change Line 85 (https://github.com/FPtje/Falcos-Prop-protection/blob/3d881b4f059d6743b7dd933988ed6449a2acdedb/lua/fpp/server/ownability.lua#L85) to use ply:CheckGroup("donoradmin").

Or if you want to just make them considered an "admin".... *cough* (http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/topic,8486.0.html).
Title: Re: FPP Ranks
Post by: Caustic Soda-Senpai on April 25, 2015, 10:18:31 PM
That shameless self advertising though ^^ XD
Title: Re: FPP Ranks
Post by: Aaron113 on April 25, 2015, 10:31:29 PM
That shameless self advertising though ^^ XD
Like how I snuck that in there?  :P

It just comes in handy with a bunch of situations, I can't help it.