
General => Off-Topic => Topic started by: xblastermaster1 on August 22, 2015, 10:25:59 PM

Title: Group access to certain jobs
Post by: xblastermaster1 on August 22, 2015, 10:25:59 PM
I just want to know how to make it so that to become a certain job you have to be in a certain group
Title: Re: Group access to certain jobs
Post by: JamminR on August 23, 2015, 07:18:14 AM
Not exactly a ULib groups question.
See http://wiki.darkrp.com/index.php/Donator_Job_configuration#Restrict_certain_jobs_to_donator.2Fvip.2Fwhatever_usergroup (http://wiki.darkrp.com/index.php/Donator_Job_configuration#Restrict_certain_jobs_to_donator.2Fvip.2Fwhatever_usergroup)
If you need further help, ask in our Developers corner section.
Title: Re: Group access to certain jobs
Post by: xblastermaster1 on August 23, 2015, 02:22:38 PM
how do i do this with the newer way of creating a job like this

Team_Scouts = DarkRP.createJob("Division Scout", {
   color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255),
   model = {"models/player/Group03/male_01.mdl","models/player/Group03/male_02.mdl","models/player/Group03/male_03.mdl","models/player/Group03/male_04.mdl"},
   description = [[You are a scout for the Division and you us long range snipers and camouflage to scout areas.]],
   weapons = {"m9k_m24"},
   command = "Scout",
   max = 10,
   salary = 250,
   admin = 0,
   vote = false,
   hasLicense = true,
   candemote = true,
   -- CustomCheck
   medic = false,
   chief = false,
   mayor = false,
   hobo = false,
   cook = false,
   category = "Divsion Scout",
Title: Re: Group access to certain jobs
Post by: Caustic Soda-Senpai on August 25, 2015, 12:08:41 AM
with the CustomCheck function on the darkrp wikia.
Title: Re: Group access to certain jobs
Post by: JamminR on August 25, 2015, 02:59:53 PM
As has been linked to in a previous post (Re: CustomCheck)