General => Developers Corner => Topic started by: XxLMM13xX on August 28, 2015, 06:44:28 PM
Alright so right now i'm making a new chat command to set a persons bail... now this is the command:
!setbail xxlmm 100
Now i have this var:
jailer = text[2] (Yes this is all set up with the explode thing)
so how do i take the string and turn it to a player entity??
You could make it run through ULX and it would be so much easier, but if you don't want to...
You have to use player.GetAll() (http://wiki.garrysmod.com/page/player/GetAll). Put that in a for loop and check each player instance to see if the string matches any part of the name.
You could make it run through ULX and it would be so much easier, but if you don't want to...
You have to use player.GetAll() (http://wiki.garrysmod.com/page/player/GetAll). Put that in a for loop and check each player instance to see if the string matches any part of the name.
Thats what i was thinking but if the player does xxlmm instead of my FULL name then what do i do? How do i call a part of the players name??
I'm confused, didn't you make this already (http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/topic,8515.msg43715.html)?
I'm confused, didn't you make this already (http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/topic,8515.msg43715.html)?
im trying to make this branch off from ulx to add support for others/non ulx users/losers (BECAUSE ULX IS GOD OF GMOD)
Anyway im also remaking a bail npc to hopefully release on scriptfodder (http://www.scriptfodder.com) to beat the current broken one!
I'm confused, didn't you make this already (http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/topic,8515.msg43715.html)?
As for how, you'd have to use string.find within GetAll loop for value:Nick() (or :Name(), I always forget))
I just got ninja'd by like 3 posts.
As for how, you'd have to use string.find within GetAll loop for value:Nick() (or :Name(), I always forget))
Exactly what I was about to say. And Nick() and Name() are the same function. Garry literally just copied the functions over to each other.