
General => Developers Corner => Topic started by: ZM on January 01, 2016, 09:00:47 AM

Title: Deathrun Weapons
Post by: ZM on January 01, 2016, 09:00:47 AM
For the longest time now, my server has been mad due to the fact that custom weapons are unable to be equipped as a Death. The weapons that include are just Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Knives. I am using the old, casual Deathrun gamemode with no dr_ commands. I am just hoping that someone has some lines of code I could use.

Edit by Megiddo: Removed eye-burning text effects.
Title: Re: Deathrun Weapons
Post by: ZM on January 09, 2016, 06:44:20 PM
For the longest time now, my server has been mad due to the fact that custom weapons are unable to be equipped as a Death. The weapons that include are just Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Knives. I am using the old, casual Deathrun gamemode with no dr_ commands. I am just hoping that someone has some lines of code I could use.

I can tell no one is able to help. That or, there is no solution. It was worth a try asking, I guess.