General => Off-Topic => Topic started by: siymon on March 03, 2016, 01:19:20 PM
Hello everyone, i just bought a Gmod server recently, i installed darkrp on this server and I put addons like : ulx, f4, food, mod, npc rename, arc bank, customisable money printer... On Ulx I put myself as "superadmin" and i added an other admin. Everything was okay. We had all the permission and the Fadmin menu was functionning well. But after the installation of npc name, the controls in the FAdmin's menu became suddenly unavailable. Now I can't clean up everything... I also cant take or give money with the control /setmoney. Its written that I'm not allowed to do it.
Someone could help me? I have no idea how to fix this problem.Thank you very much, good evening!!
Have you perhaps tried removing that addon?
Yes ! I deleted the Npc rename folder in Addon , and I restart the server , but it still not working