General => Off-Topic => Topic started by: DUBSTEP on July 27, 2016, 02:27:08 PM
When creating a group with fadmin, it makes the group name lowercase!
As in our opinion, all group mods should.
It's the end user and other admin mods that kept reporting 'bugs' to us when they broke because people typed "SuPeRaDmIn" instead of superadmin and would come here and complain.
Hence, we stopped forcing lowercase because other admin mods stopped forcing it, or allowing mixed case as Lua can.
so for like admin/mod/etc we should lower case them in ulx?
Recommended, yes.
ULX doesn't enforce any case.
Lua, in and of itself, is case sensitive.
Superadmin is not the same as superadmin.
Gmod expects two lower case groups (3 actually), superadmin, admin, user.
Gmod's lua function "IsSuperAdmin" will only return true if the group someone in is named "superadmin", not "SuperAdmin".