General => Developers Corner => Topic started by: razesqueeky on July 31, 2016, 03:28:25 PM
OK So, I want to make a moderator and trial moderator rank that can remove and move players props, but I don't want to give them the same commands as admins, I can't really remove the commands from mods because it will revoke access from the admins too! Please help, thank you!
Revoke from mod and give exclusively to admin.
Go into the "groups" tab, "moderator", revoke the commands you want, then go to admin and allow those permissions.
ok when I do the inherit thing and try to remove the command it says "Add permission to trial moderator" and also " revoke from admin " but if I do revoke from admin and re add it to admin it will re add it to tmod
Do you have your inheritances setup correctly?
don't know, probably not
Could you join my Discord so we could talk easier? My PC is being weird on the browser, so I'm on my phone which doesn't work very well.