General => Developers Corner => Topic started by: EliteProducer on September 01, 2016, 02:30:49 AM
Howdy Everyone!
I am wondering how i can set it to only the owner rank can spawn in weapons, i have been wondering this for a while but have only decided to come here today for help. ;)
is this in dark rp?
No, it is military rp but most of it is coded off of the normal darkrp.
is this in dark rp?
No, it is military rp but most of it is coded off of the normal darkrp.
So....yes to the DarkRP.
It'll be in your settings file in darkrpmodification (which I'd assume you have)
Yes but it only says like 1 for everyone then 2 for superadmins then 3 for admin then 4 for rcon or something.
And nothing for owner... So??
Yes but it only says like 1 for everyone then 2 for superadmins then 3 for admin then 4 for rcon or something.
And nothing for owner... So??
this is because owner is not an official rank. but if you want that rank added its possible im just not sure where to do it id have to look.
Yes but it only says like 1 for everyone then 2 for superadmins then 3 for admin then 4 for rcon or something.
And nothing for owner... So??
Firstly, you shouldn't have an "Owner" rank at all; it messes up the logic in a bunch of scripts since the rank that's SUPPOSED to be highest is superadmin. Having a rank higher than superadmin is illogical to gmod itself so it's recommended not to do it at all.
That aside, if you want the spawning stuff to be limited to only you then you need to RCON it (not recommended) or superadmin it and ONLY have the people who you know won't abuse it. But if you're really worried about your superadmins abusing their commands, then you need some new admins.
What I personally recommend is never having anyone but you and the co-owner (if there is one) to be the ONLY ones in superadmin since superadmin effectively gives you full control over the server; rather have your highest admins in a rank just below SA.