General => Developers Corner => Topic started by: [TNet] Chadness Everdeen on September 05, 2016, 07:16:11 AM
I am very new to this stuff and im creating a command panel for a scoreboard and obviously bans require a reason and a length whereas something like a kick just needs a target.
Is there an easy way to determine the arguments needed?
Chad Masters
"ulx help" will give you a list of commands and their parameters on your server that you can use.
thank you for a reply but i meant a table. Because ill be putting it into a list so that the user can pick the command they want and execute it with ease. But to do that i will need to check whether it needs a target, reason, number value etc...
I've got each command into the list but i want to be able to determine what input options to show, e.g a text input box or a slider.
Hm... I guess I'm still a bit confused. What "table" do you want to get them in?
Im probably not explaining it enough.
I have a list that i have put all the commands that the player has access to.
So the next step is for me to overlay a button over each command which is easy.
We shall use the ban command for an instance. We know that the ban command needs a target, a reason and a number value for how long they are banned for.
But we dont specifically know this with every command, especially ulx commands from other addons so i need to make sure i get them all automatically.
Is that a little bit clearer?
I think I get it, but like I said if you use ulx help it will show you every command and its required and optional commands.
I need to do that but without human input,
I dont want to be sitting there inputting every argument. I think there is a table but its extremely confusing.
It has an args table inside it but nothing is clear.
Hm.... Maybe make checks for PlayerArg, StringArg, those types of things... Then add the appropriate input or whatever.
It's not as simple as I'd like it to be, but all the information you need to do this is stored under "ULib.cmds.translatedCmds".
Isn't XGUI easy enough?
Isn't XGUI easy enough?
I'm with Apple. What you're describing is basically just XGUI. Why do you need your own solution?
there is a scoreboard like this on scriptfodder if you are willing to spend i think $6 on it