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Almost 4 years since I last posted. My how time flies.
First, if you've all not seen the various versions of "Everything is a remix", remastered (remastered I think actually has new/corrected content), then I recommend going and seeing that on youtube or other sites.
Second - While in driving sims or other PC work that doesn't have it's own background music, I often play Pulsradio - hitparty. Pulsradio stations play various types of EDM. (Some i like, some i don't)
One song that keeps coming up in it's playlist is a song called Dreams by David Guetta & Morten. Neither of which I really know much about.
Each time I heard this song, I swear it sounded like something I'd heard before.
After hearing the song 3-4 times over a week or two, I decided to figure it out.
I then realized, it really reminded me of part of the music from what I consider one of the best 90s graphics demo compo releases, Future Crew's "Second Reality".

If you're still reading and care, listen to the underlying keys/kind of spacey music from ~3:57 to ~4:20
(stop for time being at 4:20 - music changes)
Then, check out the Dreams music video from ~:0:17 to ~0:55
I'm not going to take the time to put them both in a mixer and see if exactly the same, but, man the Dreams buildup keeps bringing back the nostalgia of that 90s demo. (92-94 were good years for me in life, relatively speaking - so that helps too)
Hi, you should try this:

Code: [Select]
--[[Gravity Settings--]]
hook.Add("PlayerSpawn", "wzm:GlobalGravity", function(player)

I advise newcomers to Lua to avoid using globals such as player as if they overwrite the player table they can no longer use things like player.GetAll() and so on, and sometimes they won't even know what's wrong. In most cases I use pl, or ply
What errors are you getting? Concommand blocked?

I am not getting errors it simple does nothing. Same way running ent_create does not work.
What errors are you getting? Concommand blocked?

My ULib/ULX versions (run "ulx version" in console):
ULib v2.63w
ULX v3.73w

I have been trying to run some ent commands through ulx on a multiplayer server, ulx ent works instead of ent_create to create entities with custom keyvalues and spawnflags, but is there any way to do something similar for ent_fire?

Eg: i can run
Code: [Select]
ulx ent prop_physics model|models/props_c17/oildrum001_explosive.mdl|modelscale:0.2instead of
Code: [Select]
ent_create prop_physics model models/props_c17/oildrum001_explosive.mdl modelscale 0.2but if i create a player_speedmod entity through
Code: [Select]
ent_create player_speedmod targetname speedthere is no way to
Code: [Select]
ent_fire speed modifyspeed 2through ulx on a multiplayer server that im aware of, and yes
Code: [Select]
ulx rcon "ent_fire speed modifyspeed 2"does not work.

Any suggestions welcome
Developers Corner / Printing sql information onto a gui/derma panel
« Last post by johnjonas1356 on March 01, 2022, 06:47:07 PM »
Hello, i have been trying to figure out how to put sql information onto a gui/derma panel. for deathrun. for example putting name, records, map etc onto a panel that would open once you type a command (im completely aware how to make everything except for actually putting said information onto the panel.)
Hi, you should try this:

Code: [Select]
--[[Gravity Settings--]]
hook.Add("PlayerSpawn", "wzm:GlobalGravity", function(player)
alright so I have been trying out multiple times to get this to work.

Code: [Select]
    Gravity Settings--]]
hook.Add("PlayerSpawn", "wzm:GlobalGravity", function()

basically it's supposed to set the global gravity for all players. I would use PlayerConnect aswell, but before that I have to make the PlayerSpawn work first.

(I have a bunch of E2 experience and I am aware that it is NOT the same, that being said I should be able to understand at least some stuff)

The Error:
Code: [Select]
lua:4: attempt to index global 'Player' (a function value)

then please do show me alternative ways
Developers Corner / Re: How does fancyLogAdmin work?
« Last post by JamminR on January 30, 2022, 02:47:11 PM »
There's a tiny bit of reference.

Summarized, FancyLogAdmin can be passed various strings that can then be filled in with table info.
Depending on what the first bits of information are, it deciphers what to output using normal Lua capability.
That example within ban you're having trouble with is evaluated mid-process. Break it down.
Looking closer, you'll see that what you're confused about is actually being turned into most of your example you somewhat understand - "#A banned #T " (permanently) OR (for #S) " in lines 92 to 95 of the ban command.

str becomes the string from 92 to 95.
minutes ~= 0 and ULib.secondsToStringTime (minutes = 60) becomes a string of the number someone typed, IF someone typed a number else it's set to default ban and the reason is used,  else the time and the reason are passed.
If someone typed a number, the ban command then uses that number to replace #S in what becomes "for #S".

I could see as a beginner in Lua how that might be confusing.
Though there is no 'indepth' reference, you may find the function ulx.fancyLogAdmin code helpful.
Developers Corner / How does fancyLogAdmin work?
« Last post by RussEfarmer on January 30, 2022, 11:32:06 AM »
I'm making some ULX commands and I've been having trouble with is fancyLogAdmin... how exactly do you use it? I've been guessing based off of what other ULX commands do. Some commands do it really simple, like whip:
Code: [Select]
ulx.fancyLogAdmin( calling_ply, "#A whipped #T #i times with #i damage", affected_plys, times, dmg )But then you look at something like the ban command and it's just... really weird. Mostly the last half:
Code: [Select]
ulx.fancyLogAdmin( calling_ply, str, target_ply, minutes ~= 0 and ULib.secondsToStringTime( minutes * 60 ) or reason, reason )
Is there a reference on how to use it? I'm still not 100% on lua so I could be missing some concept that makes this function super obvious to people that understand it.
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