THIS IS FOR ULX 3.2xThis small module (smallest ever

allow you to add buttons and sliders into the Admin menu,
from your configuration files (server/gamemodes/maps configs).
Here is some examples:ulx addCvarSlider <slider label> <console variable> <slider max value> <optional: deny overflow>ulx addCvarSlider "Max Wire Thrusters:" "sbox_maxwire_thrusters" 20
ulx addCvarSlider "Max Wire Values:" "sbox_maxwire_values" 100 1
ulx addCvarButton <label when disabled> <label when enabled> <console variable>ulx addCvarButton "Enable CDS" "Disable CDS" "CDS_Enabled"
Changelog:v0.2: the only problem found has been fixed
Report bugs/suggestions/anything, thanks.
Place this file into "addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules" :