I am attempting to create a red, exploding melon - experimenting with prop spawning for entertainment at the end of the night, but I have gotten stuck in trying to figure out flags for props.
In particular I can't figure out how to make the thing red.
So far I have this:
bind f9 "ulx ent prop_physics physdamagescale:0.05 model:models/props_junk/watermelon01.mdl explodedamage:10 exploderadius:100"
If relevant, TTT server. Could find specifics of particular ulx version if necessary.
Though I'm interested in finding other flags or modifications that are possible as well. I recall playing on a server that had props that could explode when someone got in a radius of them, beginning to blink in a sort of warning/countdown before exploding, or a prop that pulled people in as if they were magnetised.
Any help would be appreciated.