Hi, my server is hanging, is like a few hours and boom, server start hanging, everyone time out but server follow on, and you manually need restart it, I found a script on gmod forums, what detect if an addon is making an inifnite loop, i used it and when server hang it maked a file saying that:
stack traceback:
lua/autorun/server/loooooooooool.lua:15: in function <lua/autorun/server/loooooooooool.lua:7>
addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:92: in function <addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:92>
(Lol is the name of file, I saved it as lol)
It seems like hook.lua is making infinite loop, because it say the same lot of times, and the file is ultra long, with same errors, and also that file only save for 1 min,)
Could you help me community?
It's really important, My server always full, and I really can't support server hang lot of times.
Mr. Lolo.