will I know how to at lest make the ban/kick buttons work but I get errors when I tested it but it still seems to work anyways

the little bit of time I looked at the scoreboard I could not find a way to make the rating icon change by the name, an i have a load of things I'm working on right now like my IPB forums and invision are being gay, not letting me redownload a addon that use to be free so i can uninstall it off my site and my host is mission and my control panel is being gay and i cant log into mysql database to try and remove and edit some files to fix my site.
I wonder how easy it would be to change/add on to the default scoreboard to just support the team colors and or add a team name tab, maybe even add it into uteam addon its self ... and have it override some of the default files or something.
I never cared about the all the new vote buttons only the look and color support for uteam and team name tab. That is also all that the default is missing, but they have added some other nice stuff like steam avatar, kinda nice but not really needed. but if you use mostly default files I would think it would maybe work on more gamemodes as well.
Ugh, I'm trying right now to integrate avatars for my server.
I have the avatars showing, but the infobar isn't tall enough for it >.<
lol you beat me posting!
good luck with that, I did not even start looking into adding the steam avatar into the sui scoreboard I was just going to try and setup the vote ratings and buttons for kick ban and than highest vote icon next to name than avatar.