When you ask someone for help it is best not to insult them in the process. You are asking for someone to freely give their time to provide you with something you want. Now, we like to help people with things, but we don't always have the time/resources to devote to people's requests. If we are trying to decide what to put our time twards, it's not likely we'll pick the request of the person who is rude in response to us.
Lets do a little thought experiment here. You and some friends are going to the movies. When you get there, two of your friends have forgotten their wallets. You have enough to pay for one, and only one, of them (and for the sake of this exercise you are going to pay for one.) One of them asks you politely if you will lend him the money and says he will pay you back. The other smacks you on the arm and says "You're paying for me right?" Assuming you know them both equaly well, which are you going to pay for?
Another tip, grammer and spelling, making your posts understandable goes a long way to getting what you want.
I have to get going now, so I'll leave it at that.