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function ulx_loadConfig( name, userid, steamid ) if gConfigLoaded == true then return -- Already loaded end -- Adverts -- addCsayAdvert( msg, r, g, b, repeat_time, length ) -- addAdvert( msg, repeat_time ) -- You can use %hostname%, %curmap%, and %nextmap% in your text and have it automaticly parsed for you addCsayAdvert( "Welcome to %hostname%, enjoy your stay!", 100, 255, 200, 300, 5 ) addAdvert( "Remember to play nicely!", 360 ) addAdvert( "Jesus is admin on this server.", 613 ) addAdvert( "Red team = Admin, yellow = VIP and blue = Normal.", 605 ) addCsayAdvert( "The map you are playing on is %curmap%", 100, 255, 200, 150, 5 ) gConfigLoaded = trueend
OK...I have 0.9And I use this:But nothing comes up.If i'm doing something wrong please tell me exactly what to type into the console to activate it.
You're a beta tester?
No, 0.9 has been released to the public.But can anyone help??