-Added Access String in the adminimmunity checks. This allows you to give additional groups/users immunity on the fly. See the topic below for how to use.
Immunity Access String Usage.
If you are running ULX (this addon REQUIRES ULib) you can do the following to give an user immunity to the kick if aafk_adminimmunity is on.
ulx userallow <username> "aafk_immune"
This will add the access string "aafk_immune" to their user file and will keep them from being kicked
Also you can edit your data/ULib/groups.txt file and add "aafk_immune" to any groups allow list to give everyone in the group immunity from being kicked.
Please keep in mind that all of this requires aafk_adminimmunity console variable to be set to 1 (on)
Additional comments on the access string usage.
ulx userallow <user> "aafk_immune" 1 - this will remove a previously given acess to immunity
ulx userdeny <user> "aafk_immune" - this will make it to where someone who is in a group who has this flag by default will not receive it.
ulx userdeny <user> "aafk_immune" 1 - This will make it to where someone who is in a group who has this flag but had it taken away with userdeny will receive the flag again by default.
confusing? sorry =)