Author Topic: Utime -- Show how long your players have been connected this session and total  (Read 561652 times)

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Offline Megiddo

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Released version 1.44, changed for murder gamemode.
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Offline ERROR404PL

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Link dead :/

Offline Megiddo

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Good catch; fixed.
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Offline Canne

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Good catch; fixed.

I'm sorry to tell you this but you're rreally "useless" it's not working and you not helping at all with ur cmds i need to type in the console... anything else you want to say? it worked before... it just stoped working out of nowhere what can i do about it? i removed it readded it stil not showing up

Offline Megiddo

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Did you follow the instructions I gave you? Tell us what the console output was when you did so. I can't help you when you just throw up your hands every time.
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Offline josephhabib

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You probably have addons that conflict with it. Try removing some ULX addons because they might be broken. I had a problem like this once and I believe that's how I fixed it.

Offline Belly136

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Is there a way to 'pause' the current session timer? I would like to disable it while players are in spectating team.

Offline Megiddo

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Is there a way to 'pause' the current session timer? I would like to disable it while players are in spectating team.

You would need to modify it yourself. You'd basically want to add the time they were spectating to the join time, which would make it not count time spent spectating.
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Offline MangaPeter

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HI:) I have a question: Where is the data stored?

Offline JamminR

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HI:) I have a question: Where is the data stored?
Search this thread for word "stored"
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Offline Linkje

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Anyone have any idea how to add the totaltime to the scoreboard? I can find some info on the web but its all for custom scoreboard addons.


Got it working with this:

hook.Add( "TTTScoreboardColumns", "SetHourInScoreboard", function( pnl )
   pnl:AddColumn( "Hours", function(ply) return math.Round(ply:GetUTimeTotalTime()/3600) end )
end );

« Last Edit: March 19, 2016, 06:17:05 AM by Linkje »

Offline pmag

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I am having the same issue as Canne, It used to be there on servers now it isn't (I tested on ones I knew had it and even asked if someone else on the server could see it) . I tried utime_enable 1 and all I got was "Unknown command "utime_enable" " I removed all of my addons and tried again on the same server other people were able to have it but it still doesn't show up for me and I still get the unknown command thing. I only want to get this back because one time someone asked me how long ive been on a server and I had to tell them I didn't know and the thing that used to tell me is gone. Its actually been gone for a while now and I just figured out not too long ago what it actually was.
to sign up I had to identify the "admin mod" I thought it was talking about the top admin/mod for the forum not "ULX" I spent too long looking for an admin/moderator with a name that ended in X.

Offline zeelotelite

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How to i setup the blue box to be disabled by default?

Offline Megiddo

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I am having the same issue as Canne, It used to be there on servers now it isn't (I tested on ones I knew had it and even asked if someone else on the server could see it) . I tried utime_enable 1 and all I got was "Unknown command "utime_enable" " I removed all of my addons and tried again on the same server other people were able to have it but it still doesn't show up for me and I still get the unknown command thing. I only want to get this back because one time someone asked me how long ive been on a server and I had to tell them I didn't know and the thing that used to tell me is gone. Its actually been gone for a while now and I just figured out not too long ago what it actually was.

"utime_enable 1" needs to be run from your client. There's also a place in the settings menu where you can enable/disable it.
Experiencing God's grace one day at a time.

Offline pmag

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"utime_enable 1" needs to be run from your client. There's also a place in the settings menu where you can enable/disable it.
I'm sorry did I forget to mention that I am not talking about my own server? I meant servers that I connect to from gmod that other people make. For some reason other people are able to see the utime but I can not. I do not believe there is any more info that I can give you that I didn't already say in my original comment. However since that last comment I have been to 2 servers that did let me see the utime thing but there are still servers that I KNOW have it but I just can't see it (and if I put in the command in the console it would still give me the error)

I don't need to be able to have/see utime but I am more curious as to why It doesn't show up for me but it does for other people on a lot of servers.

My original comment:
I am having the same issue as Canne, It used to be there on servers now it isn't (I tested on ones I knew had it and even asked if someone else on the server could see it) . I tried utime_enable 1 and all I got was "Unknown command "utime_enable" " I removed all of my addons and tried again on the same server other people were able to have it but it still doesn't show up for me and I still get the unknown command thing. I only want to get this back because one time someone asked me how long ive been on a server and I had to tell them I didn't know and the thing that used to tell me is gone. Its actually been gone for a while now and I just figured out not too long ago what it actually was.
to sign up I had to identify the "admin mod" I thought it was talking about the top admin/mod for the forum not "ULX" I spent too long looking for an admin/moderator with a name that ended in X.