you are sending the server console the persons steamid, not their name/user#.
Sorry, got confused. I'm not sure I like a mod using the userid of a player to administer.
All I'd have to do to possibly get someone else banned is change my name to their playerid.
This seems like a bad idea to me.
Either way, I've corrected the script to use the userid when banning.
If it doesn't work, let me know, perhaps I should use entity id instead.
You still type in the name of the player you're wanting banned. ULX will determine if they've faked the name as a number and attempt ban/kick approprately.
and if you ban using the persons name won't it display the persons name in the ULX ban info page too?
Yes, but I thought you might want the person who banned them in the reason field for SMban logs too.
As it stands, it will always look like console banned them if not.
I've removed the banned user name.
I also noticed that you have a link on the bottom of your site for Gmod servers hosted in the UK, I have my server hosted with a company in the US that has very good servers at a low price (, maybe you could ass that one for servers in the US. (I could give you a referral link to use if you wanted to use that 
At one time, the UK server was giving us a free 6 man server in exchange for links.
In all honesty, we don't want more, and should actually remove those, as the UK server dissapeared long ago.