Yes. It seems you're a total noob.
Following = for Ulib 1/ULX v2
First... // = COMMENTED OUT. Just like the file says. COMMENT = IGNORED BY ULIB. Good only for comments about your additions.
From the fine lua/Ulib/users.ini are three common examples.
// Account flags:
// a - this is a playername
// b - this is a clan tag (partial playername)
// c - this is a steamid
// d - this is an ip
// e - this is a steam login (the username they log into steam with)
// f - disconnect player on invalid password (gives them 30 seconds to enter one, by default)
// Password:
// When asked for the password, use "_pw <password>" in console
// Format of admin account:
// "<name|ip|steamid|clantag|steamlogin>" "<password>" "<access flags>" "<account flags>"
// Examples of admin accounts:
// "STEAM_0:0:123456" "" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv" "c"
// "" "" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv" "d"
// "My Name" "my_password" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv" "a"
The "|" in format means OR (as it also does in thousands of other scripting languages). So, you can't use all of them together at the same time.
So, if you wanted to use JUST your playername, which would prevent you from becoming admin if you ever use any other, and would also require your password using _pw once you joined, you would use
As stated in quote above, account type = A = Player name
"Insane Fox" "SET THIS PASSWORD OR ANYONE USING Insane Fox GETS ADMIN" "abcdefghijklmn" "a"
Anyone who joined with that nickname, and didn't send the password using _pw password , would get kicked after 30 secondsif you also used "af" at the end instead of "a".
If you wanted to run a clan, with all members using same password, and clan tag being "bE"
"bE" "SET THIS PASSWORD OR ANYONE USING bE GETS ADMIN" "access letters you choose" "b"
(I've not ever tested this to know if Megiddo wrote it to ignore brackets. They often have to be escaped out using \, unless you want to test it, just use "bE"
"STEAM_0:1:6092311" "" "access levels a-n" "c"
Not as dangerous to leave the password spot blank there, unless you feel your Steamid will be stolen.
(With Facehook and other idiot lua worm writers on the loose, never can be too safe)
"" "" "access levels a-n" "d"
I don't recommend this unless you have a static ip address. I also recommend filling the password spot ""
I presume snip3r_2003 is your Steam login username.
"snip3r_2003" "Steam_password" "access levels a-n you want" "e"
This will attempt login to Steam using your login, and password supplied there.
If it fails, you don't get admin.
You could give your clan different access than you.
Just figure out which you wish to use, then add it in. I'm not sure whether you'd have to add it before the be/b account type, or after in the file. I'm sure one will probably overwrite the other.