*==NOTE-Only Guaranteed To Work With The Sandbox Gamemode==*
URestrict is a ULib plugin that allow advanced control of you users on your server.
With URestrict you can:
-Control what weapons/swept users are allowed to use based on what group they're in. Usage include spawning, picking up, and spawning with.
-Control what tools each group is allowed to use.
-Control how many props, vehicles, sents, ragdolls, and npcs each group can spawn
-Control what props, vehicles, sents, ragdolls, and npcs each group can spawn
With both loadout and tool restictions you have various options such as:
-Admin exclusion
-Ability to disable global restrictions for either side loadouts or tools
Best thing about it is, everything is done ingame with a gui. No need for console commands, just click buttons and enjoy the power at your finger tips.

How to get it:
* SVN:
http://ulyssesmod.net/URestrict * REQUIRE ULIB SVN TO FUNCTION *
Creating Loadouts================================================1: Type URestrict in the console
2: Open the loadouts tab
3: Click Add ( Middle Column )
4: Type in a name for your loadout ( Text box appears after clicking add )
Changing Group Loadouts================================================1: Type URestrict in the console
2: Open the loadouts tab
3: Select what group you want to modify ( Column on the far left )
4: Select what loadout you wan that group to use ( Column in the middle )
5: Click apply ( Middle Column 3rd button from the bottom )
Modifying Loadouts================================================1: Type URestrict in the console
2: Open the loadouts tab
3: Select what loadout you want to modify ( Column in the middle )
To Remove Items From The Loadouts 1: Select what items you want to remove (Column on the right )
2: Click modify ( Column on the right )
To Add Items To The Loadouts 1: Click modify ( Column on the right )
2: Type in what you want to add ( Text box appears after clicking modify)
Tool Restrictions================================================1: Type URestrict in the consol
2: Open the tools tab
3: Select a tool to apply restrictions to (Left Column)
4: Click add (Center Column)
5: Select the newly added tool (Center Column)
6: Click allow/deny (Right Column)
7: Now type in the groups you would like to allow/deny use
of the tool separating each with a space then press enter