HLSW is a great program to access RCON. Here are some basic steps for setting it up to run with your server:
1) Open your server configuration file in "cfg/server.cfg" and add in the following line: rcon_password "PASSWORD" //[Replace PASSWORD with desired RCON access password]
2) Save the file and allow it to re-upload to the server and restart the server for changes to take effect
3) Download HLSW from
here4) Install & open the program
5) At the top of the window, you will see IP/Port. Enter your server's IP.
6) In a small window below that, you will see your server's name when you correctly enter the IP of your server.
7) Click your server's name so it is highlighted and above that, click the tab that says "Administration" and then at the bottom of the window "Rcon Config"
8 ) In the text box that says "Rcon Password", enter the password that you put into your server.cfg file and click Test. A green
OK should appear letting you know the password is correct.
9) Click the "Console" tab at the bottom of the window and enter the ULX command you are using to make yourself superadmin, or any other ULX command you wish.
10) That's it, you're done. HLSW can be also used for Chat by clicking the "Chat" tab.