I own a server and I do not know lua at all so can any of you make ranks for me with the following commands
Leader- All ulx commands
Co Leader- All ulx commands except group allow, group deny and overideimmunity
Super Admin- All commands that co leaders have except ragdoll, , noclip, god, blind, add user, add userid, add group, remove group, remove user, ghost, freeze, ulx cexec unghost, unragdoll, unfreeze, ungod, rcon
Admin- All super admin commands except Ignite, Send, maul ,sslay
Donator- All admin commands except Ban cloak uncloak armor hp unban admin menu bansmenu strip csay tsay psay
Mod- All donator commands except Whip,
Member- They get votekick and asay (They cant see admins talk with it though) and they can open up the motd and who
User they get who