Author Topic: Can someone make some ranks for me with lua  (Read 1899 times)

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Offline Magicnachoz

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Can someone make some ranks for me with lua
« on: July 28, 2010, 08:00:40 AM »
I own a server and I do not know lua at all so can any of you make ranks for me with the following commands

Leader- All ulx commands

Co Leader- All ulx commands except group allow, group deny and overideimmunity

Super Admin- All commands that co leaders have except ragdoll, , noclip, god, blind, add user, add userid, add group, remove group, remove user, ghost, freeze,  ulx cexec unghost, unragdoll, unfreeze, ungod, rcon

Admin- All super admin commands except Ignite, Send, maul ,sslay

Donator- All admin commands except Ban cloak uncloak armor hp unban admin menu bansmenu strip csay tsay psay

Mod- All donator commands except Whip,

Member- They get votekick and asay (They cant see admins talk with it though) and they can open up the motd and who

User they get who

« Last Edit: July 28, 2010, 08:04:23 AM by Magicnachoz »

Offline matthall

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Re: Can someone make some ranks for me with lua
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2010, 03:21:23 AM »
Must be ULX and ULib SVN!
No need to LUA :)

put this in data/ulib/groups.txt
Code: [Select]
"inherit_from" "co_leader"

"name" "Leader"
"color_red" 0
"color_blue" 0
"color_green" 0
"armor"  2000
"health" 2000

"inherit_from" "superadmin"

"name" "Co-Leader"
"color_red" 0
"color_blue" 0
"color_green" 0
"armor"  1500
"health" 1500

"inherit_from" "admin"

"name" "Superadmin"
"color_red" 0
"color_blue" 0
"color_green" 0
"armor"  1000
"health" 1000

"inherit_from" "donator"

"name" "Admin"
"color_red" 0
"color_blue" 0
"color_green" 0
"armor"  750
"health" 750

"inherit_from" "mod"

"name" "Donator"
"color_red" 0
"color_blue" 0
"color_green" 0
"armor"  500
"health" 500

"inherit_from" "member"

"name" "Mod"
"color_red" 0
"color_blue" 0
"color_green" 0
"armor"  300
"health" 300

"inherit_from" "user"

"name" "user"
"color_red" 0
"color_blue" 0
"color_green" 0
"armor"  250
"health" 250


"name" "User"
"color_red" 0
"color_blue" 0
"color_green" 0
"armor"  100
"health" 100

Please note: I have not given anyone commands. I will leave that for you to do. it is very simple anyway. it will go like this

"ulx command here"

Also, it follows a hierarchy. So, if you say user can have "ulx motd", all players can have "ulx motd"
if you give Admin "ulx slap", Admin-Leader can perform that action

now, to have teams showing on the scoreboard, get,1118.0.html
If you want to be able to easily see whos who on the map, get,4799.0.html

Good luck :)

« Last Edit: July 29, 2010, 03:23:01 AM by matthall »

Offline Magicnachoz

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Re: Can someone make some ranks for me with lua
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2010, 06:10:15 AM »