I run a darkrp server, and I am sick of the fadmin cleanup command.
It cleans up all of the props on the map. What I want is an addon that you can clean up a certain player's props.
!cleanup <name> (Cleans Name's Props)
!cleanup @all (Cleans Everyone's Props)
!cleanup @disconnected (Cleans Up Disconnected Player's Props)
!ckick <name> (kicks and cleans up someone's props and entities)
!cban <name> <minutes> (kicks, bans and cleans up someone's props)
I also suggest adding the @all @dead @alive @me @admin @superadmin commands to ulx. Or even make it a plugin type

Allow people to add their own @

It would be a good idea, as it is extremely useful for sourcemod users, and I am yet to see a GMoD admin mod that has that ability.