There is a new version released. It was a complete remake so I gave it its own thread. This version is no longer supported or available for download here. Please see the new thread.,7125.0.htmlAWarn v.3.4This addon for ULX allows you to warn users and will display to them the reason they were warned.
The addon will keep track of all historic warnings for review by admins.
Once a user reaches a pre-configurable number of warnings, they are kicked from the server.
Commands:ulx warn <player> <reason> - Warn a player for a specified reason
!warn <player> <reason> - Warn a player for a specified reason
ulx seewarns <player> - generates a printout in console of all warnings a player has received in the past, when they received them and who issued the warning.
ulx removewarning<player> <count> - Removes an amount of active warnings from the targeted player. these are the warnings that count towards the player being kicked.
ulx deletewarnings<player> - Completely removes all history of a player's warnings.
ulx listwarnings - Prints a list to console for all connected players who have warnings. This shows their total active warnings and their total warning count.
Configurations (Note: these are server console variables. Run these from the server console)ulx_warnkick_num [number] - this console variable will set the number of active warnings a player should be allowed to receive before being kicked.
ulx_warnkick_decayrate [number] - this console variable will set the amount of time (in minutes) before a player's warnings are reduced by 1. (note: a player must be connected for their warnings to decay)
ulx_warnkick_ban [number] - Determines if the script should tempban instead of kicking. (1 - On, 0 - Off) (Default: 0)
ulx_warnkick_bantime [number] - Time (in minutes) the script will ban players who have exceeded their threshold for warnings. (Default: 30)
Installation Instructions:-Extract the ULX_Warn folder into your addons folder.
-Restart your server
ChangeLog:v3.4+Fixed an issue where warning a player as console would return an error. (Bug reported by rainbowdash)
v3.3+Added in console variables to allow for temp banning in place of kicking. See above.
v3.2+ Added a command to decrease a players active warnings
+ Added a command to remove all warning history for a player (SUPERADMIN access by default)
+ Added a command to list all active players and their total/active warnings
v3.1+Fixed the display bug pointed out by SuperAero.
Questions/Comments: Feel free to ask them in this thread.