Okay. I've tried just about everything other than wiping Garry's Mod out and reinstalling it.
It worked before, I don't know what I did, if I even did anything.
every time I start up ULX through a dedicated server, through a listen server, and (not like it would matter much) in Single player, I get this when I try to run a command:
LS: Error: ULib/concommand.lua:98: attempt to index upvalue 'ucl' (a nil value)
I believe it refers to line 98, which is (Not like I doubt you guys know your own mod
if not ucl:query( userid, gCommands[ command ].access ) then
ULib.tsay( userid, "You do not have access to this command, " .. _PlayerInfo( userid, "name" ) .. "." )
-- Print their name to intimidate them :)
fn_call( userid, args, argv, argc )
I fear that something may not be starting properly, or perhaps I've even installed ULX/ULib wrong. Any suggestions?